today i am going to be, i messed up from the start today i did my makeup using almost all high end products well, it's "almost" because everything is high end except for my brows i recently did full face using all affordable products so i think it would be a good contrast! i say this in the video as well but this is actually my second time filming this because i failed at the first try
koh gen do makeup color base, i was really worried about how it was going to turn out but i actually like how it turned out so i am so relieved! so, let's begin!
i have my brows on like always i am going to use makeup forever's ultra hd stick foundation as a base for my eyeshadows apparently i am in a good mood lol and then i am going to use haute nuance from elegance to set the foundation the platte i am using today is hypnose palette from lancome and this was in the holiday set i actually filmed this earlier i did it according to the steps i failed and i think it's got to do with the fact that i just use the brushes that were in the palette and i was too relied on these steps
so i think i am going to do it my way first of all, i am taking this pink shimmery shade all over the lid i like the pay off but it is a little bit powdery can you see? nah i don't think you can see it with this shade so i will show you guys later this is really subtle like there are shimmery shades where you can see the base color as well and there are ones that you can only see the shimmer and this is the one where you can only see the shimmer yea it's all over the palette now
and then i am taking hoola from benefit as a transition shade and then i am taking no4 on my crease it has a lot more pigment than i expected i am going to blend now i just need a littlest amount if not, it's a little too much i am just going to place it like this and just blend it out with the brush that i used for trasition shade i am going to take a little bit of no3 and place it on the outer lashline ouch
it looks like this now so i have to blend it out and then i am taking no4 agian to blend what's wrong? i am goi ng to belnd using benefit's hoola again and then i am taking no 1 and place it in the middle i am going to blend again i am going to take no 2 and place it on the brow bone i am going to take the pink shimmery shade that i used at the start in the inner part the lid is done
for my face, i am going to mix my fancy makeup color base form koh gen do and paul & joe's foundation primer s and apply it all over my face i don't think koh gen do is a department store brand but the price is high end so i decided to include it today! this was 4320yen! the reason why i mix these two is becasue. well as you can see i have redness all over my face so i want to use a green base i think it would work to use a concealer if you only have a little spot
but i have redness all over my face so i would end up with green concealer all over my face anyways so i just decided to use a green base i really like this but it is drying so that's why i use it with paul and joe's moisture primer the reson why i mix is because i can finish both at once i have a review on this moisturizing primer the only think i liked from paul and joe and then i am going to take the foundation that i used for my lid as my foudnaition today, it is the makeupforever one i have a review on this and i love this foudnation
but i don't really think it's that hygienic the products touches your facce so like if it's a tool you can wash it and you can even separate the tools to acne tools and non acne tools, i don't do this but it's possible but with this, the product is on your face so i don't think it's good for your skin but it's really easy but when i looked at the website in the review i think it said that you can apply it to the brush and apply it that way i ma going to apply another layer on my dark circles and places where it needs more coverage *from here, please enjoy my dog's voice as the background music lol
what is it? what? you have a really loud bark my dog has an instagram account as well so please from him! you are too crazy for him he is such a weird dog right? do you want to be on camera as well? he talks a lot
yea you are right but you just went for a walk you can eat i am looking at you yea?so eat your food you are so mad he is looking in to my eyes and complains he is obviously complaining about something i am done with foundation
i am going to use the powder that i used before to set my face i don't think you can see it in the swatch but it is not a mattifying powder it has a little bit of shimmer so even if i use it all over my face, it won't be too powdery and then i am taking benefit's hoola as a bronzer and countour he is complaining a lot more than usual so he can be my background music today yea are you complaining? i am going to contour my nose as well
for my blush, i am using lancome's subtil blush. i used this is my anti valentines day makeup look as well it's like a plum shade it has a huge mirror so that's always good for highlight, i am using fresh glow luminous fluid base from burberry this is a base but as you can see in the swatch, it is pretty glowy and it even said on the website that you can use it as a highlight so i am going to use this as a highlight it claim that this product can be multi used
he is complaing a lot more than usual can you see? it gives a pretty glow i am going t oapply this in the inner corner as well let's go back to the eyes for my eyes i am going to use the pink shimmery shade i clapped really loud for some reason i am putting this uptil 2/3 it went right in to my eye
you can't cry you can't cry i don't have anything on my right eye but it's red for some reason i am going to use no 4 on the rest of my eye let's move onto mascara for mascara, i am using lancome's grandiose this is n a really weird shape so i can't wait to try it i am going to start with my lower lash it is actually really easy to apply my lower lashes
like i don't have to move anything i can just but what about this side let's do the upper lashes the most important bit i love this thing since it's in a weird shape, it's a little hard to put it back in the bottle but i can cope with that let's move onto the lips for my lips, i am using chanel's rouge coco stylo in 202 i got this from my mum as a christmas present
i haven't used it et because i am so scared it is so buttery! i like it i love it! and the makeup is done! today i did my makeup using almost all high end products

i am rally sad about the act that the platte from lancome is powdery because they are nice shades but i loved the mascara! i thhink i am going to ask the mascara taht i am suing to wait and use this instead