i'm tom shean and today on behalf of expertvillage i'm going to show you how to install a metal roof. all panels are fastened throughthe front lip with a minimum of four fasteners per panel. building codes or special conditionsmay require more, please check local codes or our technical department for these requirements.continental tiles are fastened 1 1/4 off the center of the trough. do not put a fastenerat the extreme left edge of the panel as it
metal roof colors on houses, will buckle the overlapping side joint. shadowlinepanels are fastened in the center of the profile indents. shake tiles are fastened in the 4inch or 8 inch lower sections a minimum of 1 inch away from the joint pockets. we recommendall bottom or eave course tiles be fastened through the top of the panel into the fasciaboard or eave batten to better provide wind
up lift protection. if using nails the headshould be cocked and sealed with acrylic and granules. the back of the cut tiles of theridge are fastened through the top of the

lower areas into the support framing underneath.please ensure the fastener is located underneath the ridge trim. the eave course of panelsis left off until all other areas of the roof are complete. so it's to minimize foot trafficon the installed product. please install the highest roofs first to minimize traffic onthe lower roofs.