so don't mind my superhero experience right now i got my towel that i always wear when i'm about to dye my hair i think that's a really good thing to wear just because it can get on your clothes
reviews of olia hair color, and your body begins on your body it's kind of hard to scrub off so i always gonna just drink the towel with me and clip it with a hair clip i need to clip
that a little bit better but i went to target and i saw this color that i really liked sometimes all switch it up between the phone kind and the liquid kind i really love this phone because it doesn't make a big mess but they didn't have a job for you when i usually use so i want to shade to point 11 it's called a platinum
black and it's gone yeah i think it's oh yeah i don't doubt that but i'll show you guys oh yeah 3 boxes every time because my hair is pretty long and thick and i never want to run out but i end up only using two boxes always say that box or return it so yeah i'm excited to try this one i was wearing a dark t-shirt
underneath this towel and i got an old raggedy towel for my closet that like kind of gross so you open up the box and of course there's little gloves that come in it and then you have this squeezy thing and then you have a developer the conditioner that you put on after and then you have the color so it just says to twist off the top of the
applicator like so twist that off and we're going to squeeze the developer into the star so you just squeeze all of that in there then you're going to take the color and put it in the mixing jar as well they gave me this little cap that has a little pointy thing on the center and you're just going to poke that through the top
oh and the developer starts to come out you just squeeze it on top of the developer so i like to kind of roll mine up like a toothpaste tube to get as much of the color out of the bottle as possible so they're going to put the top back on the mixing jar but your finger over the top and just shake it up as much as you can to get all the color
evenly mixed now you want to make sure your hair is detangled and dry you don't ever want to do this on wet hair because it just won't work as well and then you're going to just start applying the hair color and all we're going to do is start at the top and we're going to cover the top of our hair and then work our way down so i always like to slip my
hair down the middle and kind of just run a line you guys can see that into my part and then from there we are going to spread it out then i part my hair again make another line and blend it out you want to try really hard not to get this on your skin it will always come out but it's just kind of annoying i just keep making parts all around my head and just
blending it out as evenly as possible making sure to get it all saturated and wet after you see this site is pretty wet and saturated and this side is still dry so all i do is take the top pieces kind of just pour them on there and sometimes i'll even leave the end out and won't do the ends and just do it in last because you're into dryer and also
got the product quicker i really surprised how long this bottle has lasted me i'm only i'm still on my first bottle and i'm almost covered all here i'm sure we'll move on to the second bottle but i don't think i'm gonna have to touch the third which is awesome now that my hair is completely saturated with hair dye want to take a
plastic bag and basically just put my hair in the plastic bag and basically kind of just like a turkey first thing and just take a little clip and clip it back like that it's just that we can kind of stay neat we in there until i'm done so we're going to wait 30 minutes and we're gonna wash it out and i'll show you guys how it looks
after its blowjob and all that stuff all right you guys so here is the finished look i just got to blow drying my hair and putting some weight in it i love this color right now it is like a soft black color kind of like a dark brown soft black it's not like jet black or anything but i really really love the color i hope you guys can see that and
also i am noticing that a few of my highlights are still peeking through now if you wanted one solid color i'd be a little frustrated with that but i don't my highlights that i had previously so

i'm still really enjoying that so yeah i hope you have enjoyed this video thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you next time