hello and welcome to crouton crackerjacks!today i'm going to show you how to make these tie dyed t-shirt sugar cookies. these lookmuch harder than they really are but they're actually super simple to make. these are theingredients that you'll need. so let's get started. the first thing i'm going to do is make up a batch of rolled sugar cookies in my standmixer here. you can use any recipe you want
t shirts plus color inc, to or even store bought dough but i use myown recipe here. i have a separate video that shows exactly how i make this and i'll puta link down below in the description box so you can watch that video but once the doughcame together i'm going to put the dough into a plastic baggie and remove all the air outof that and then seal it up and put it into
the fridge for about 30 minutes just to letthe dough rest a bit. after 30 minutes, i'm going to lightly flourmy counter top here and place my dough on there and i'm going to lightly flour the topof my dough as well as a rolling pin. i'm going to roll my dough out to about 3/16th'sof an inch or between 4 and 5 mm for you metric folks. and while you're rolling this out youwant to turn your dough a quarter turn every few rolls just to make sure that your doughdoesn't stick to your counter top. but once that was rolled out, you want to cut out yourcookies. now i'm using this onesie cookie cutter because i could't find a t-shirt cookiecutter that was the right size. i could only find small ones that were about an inch insize or great big ones that were about six
inches and i wanted around four inch cookiesso this onesie cutter had to do. but i'm just going to cut out my cookies and then usinga knife i'm going to cut off the very bottom part of the onesie so that way it looks likea t-shirt. and no one is going to know any different so just go ahead and use a cookiecutter that will work. and once you get those cut out, place them onto a cookie sheet linedwith either a silicone baking mat or parchment paper and bake according to the recipes instructionsthat you are using. and then once you're done let them cool just a minute on the cookiesheet and then remove them to a wire rack to cool completely. next i made up a batchof royal icing. again, i have a separate video that shows how i make this. and again i'llput a link down below in the description box
that will take you to that video. but oncei got that made, i divided it into 6 little cups. now i used americolor gel food coloringto color my icing but you can use whatever food coloring that you like. anyway you wantyour icing to be a 5 second consistency which you'll see what i mean when you watch my icingvideo. and i'm just going to mix these colors up and i've got red, orange, yellow, green,blue and purple. all the colors of the rainbow. you can do more or less colors but a fullrainbow really looks best with these cookies. and once i got all my icing colored i'm goingto use these plastic sandwich bags as icing bags because they're easy to clean up andthese i can just throw them away when i'm done with them. a little trick for you, iput my fingers in one of the corners and then
put the baggie into a one cup glass measuringcup, and then folded the top over the sides of the measuring cup and that'll hold it niceand secure while you add your icing. so that way you don't get your icing everywhere andthe icing is all right at the tip which is exactly where you want it instead of all overthe inside of the bag. just makes it a little bit easier when you're icing your cookies.and then seal up the baggie and you're good to go. now to decorate your cookies just takeone of the cookies and pick any color of icing that you want to start with and i've alreadysnipped off just the very tip of the baggie so i can do a nice thin line. and were goingto start by outlining just one of the sleeves. and i'm going to fill in the bottom cornerjust a bit so it'll be easier later on when
we add more colors and then i'm going to dothe bottom of the cookie. and just make a line starting about half way down and aroundthe bottom and then back up the other side. again fill in the corners to make it a littleeasier later on and then go on to the next sleeve. and we're going to do the same asthe first one. and don't worry about the outline here. we will complete the outline with thenext color. and once you get that done take your next color and you want to do a completeoutline now, uh, but you want to stay inside of that first color you did. now you wantto make sure that you get these different colors right next to each other so that waythey flow into each other and there's no gaps between the icing. if you have the properconsistency it should do that automatically
but sometimes you'll have to help it alongjust a bit. no big deal, just make sure that it's nice and smooth. and go all the way aroundthe cookie until you're back to where you started and then close that line up. and i'mgoing to keep doing this going around the inside of the cookie, alternating colors ofthe rainbow until i get to middle of the cookie. now you do want to work kind of quick becauseyou don't want the first few colors of icing to crust over because then it'll be hard toget a nice clean line when we marble these to get that tie dye effect. but just keepgoing around and around with the different colors until you get to the center. and whenyou're nearly done there should be just a tiny spot in the middle that you'll need tofill in. and next you want to take a toothpick
and starting in the center, drag from themiddle out to the edge and then wipe off the tip of the toothpick and then your next lineyou want to drag from the edge to the middle and then repeat that all the way around. nowyou can see here on the bottom of the cookie, the icing was starting to crust up just alittle bit around the edges which is fine but this is why you want to work kind of quickly.just keep going all the way around your cookie. and once you get back to where you startedon the last line, you want to a small little swirl right in the middle and that will helpgive your cookies that true tie-dyed look. and then set this cookie off to the side andfinish up with the rest of your cookies. and there you go. that is how i made tie-dyedt-shirt sugar cookies. a little time consuming
but not too bad. and i even played arounda little bit and made this peace sign tie-dyed shirt using the same technique. i did notrecord that but if you want, write a comment
down below ad maybe i'll do another videoshowing how i make those. but yeah, if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbsup. it really helps me out a lot. subscribe for more deliciousness and to keep up to dateon all my latest videos. thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time!