hp color laserjet 2840 imaging drum

[music] >>247inktoner: this video is to show how tochange the toner in the dell 1320c color laser printer. changing the toner in this printer is a relativelyeasy process. first you will locate the door on the left side of the printer. once youopen the door you will see four different

hp color laserjet 2840 imaging drum, toner cartridges. black, the cyan, the magentaand the yellow. you will see a tab on the front of the toner cartridge that allows youto slide the cartridge toward the back of the printer. once you slide the cartridge,the housing will rotate out toward you and you can easily replace your old cartrdigewith the new one. once you put the new toner

cartridge in its place push the housing backin and slide the toner back into its place. you will repeat the process for the cyan the magenta

hp color laserjet 2840 imaging drum

and the yellow once you complete this process you will closethe door and you should be ready to print. this completes the video on how to changethe toner cartridge in your dell 1320c by 247inktoner.com[music]

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