what's up, i'm rob i'm rob...? you're rob? woah welcome to my bathroom
try new hair colors online, i'll show you around here that's the toilet yes, that is a squatty potty and this is my cabinet of sh*t.
this right here this is uhh this is ball deodorant (eww wtf rob-_-) yeah. alright. this weeks project tu quyen suggested that we should do the kool aid hair dye pin. i've been waiting my entire life todo this pin.
my parents never would have allowed me to dye my hair a different color. but this is f*cking my house! i'm f*cking dying my hair blue. i'm dying my hair blue!! f*ck you mom and dad! f*ck you! pin-o-meter! "you damn kids, get off of my lawn."
what? i went to a store and picked myself up some mixed berry kool-aid. you will wanna make sure that it is caffeinefree otherwise your hair will fall out. i picked up this manic panic bleach kit. probably should be having aprofessional do this but whatever. the first step is that i've got tobleach the sh*t out of my hair (regretful coughing)
holy sh*t! whew! here goes nothing. (incoherent rob sounds) ( ??????? ) i don't know what the f*ck i'm doing. definitely burning my scalp. i don't know whats happening back here. ( ??? )
( ??!!??!!?? ) ( !!!???!!! ) its a goddamn nightmare. it's burning! ahhh! ahhhhh! this sucks! shhhh. shh.
do you hear that? i can hear my scalp burning off. (coughing) (shower turns on) how do i take my shirt off? i'm gonna f*ck it all up. holy sh*t... look at my f*cking head! hot water,
hot water! come on! oh my god... ohh god! oh wait... hold on. there we go. holy sh*t.
that is...something. i'm gonna try to get this like as white as possible. so i went out and got myself another bleaching kit. alright here we go. second bleaching treatment. oh yeah, that ones... this ones more powerful than the other one. whoo!
sh*t! aaahhh! oh my god. this is just as bad as the first time. ah! ahh! ahhhhh. (sniff) is that...?
is that burning hair? ahhhh!! i gotta take a shower. i gotta take a shower! guuuaaah! god! (shower turns on) get it out...! (curtains ruffle)
(more intense curtain ruffles) how the f*ck do i get out of here? this is a f*cking process. this is some f*cking f*cked up justin bieber, slim shady, shit! "and you.." "you're to f*cking..." "blonde!" kool aid time.
kool aid time! so, i'm dumping a couple of these kool aid packets in here. oh yeah. that is blue. oh and it doesn't come off my finger. awesome. gonna add a little bit of water here and then just mix this up into a fine little paste. then you just add a little bit of conditioner
mix that all up. this is some f*cking salon shitover here. it's happening. kool aid hair dye. ooh. oh! oh! it's dripping. oh no, this actually burns. i wonder if-
what the- what the f*ck is burning. my f*cking scalp right now. citric acid? f*ck! this sucks. i don't like the color. i hate this f*cking color. too late now.
ahhhh! it's like putting lemon juice on an open wound! this is worse than all of them! ack, it's so painful. it's so painful! i gotta go! i gotta go! i gotta go! gotta go! gotta go in the shower. ack! jesus...
this t-shirt is f*cked. wish me luck. no joke. super painful scalp situation going on right now. what the f*ck is this? oh, what the f*ck. oh! what the f*ck!! ahh!!
oh my god!! what the f*ck?! "oh yeah!" "here comes kool aid." "i'm gonna save the day! (rob gasping) f*ck! that was a crazy dream (sigh) sh*t...
there it is. definitely not blue at all. f*ck. can you see this? this is no good. kool aid kinda works, like a little bit. it'll do this. this looks like sh*t.
kool aid! is it good to dye your hair with? probably not. my scalp burns. this is just hair, just coming out of my head. let me know how terrible this looks in the comments below and while you're down there, please tell me all the things i did wrong and what i need to do in order to correct this situation.

like up this video and subscribe if you haven't already youtube.com/tyler oakley. and i'll see you around here next time! *snip snip snip*