hi guys welcome to my channel simple beauty secrets. today i have brought a remedy to get rid of dark knees & elbows i have tried 1000 of rupees creams but results are never impressive then i discovered this remedy
two tone hair color for dark skin, and using this my elbows and knees are never dark . but before start don't forget to subscribe my channel. our first ingredient is potatoe crush potato and take out its juice.
scrubbing potato help to lighten dark body parts anyway but my remedy is more effective because the results can be seen instantly. our life style is very hectic because of which we dont have time for personal care personal care and beauty is very important as well not only to look good but also for your confidence. so i always take out time for maintaining my skin and i also share this remedy with you .
next ingredient is cucumber peel and crush cucumber same as i did with potato and will take out maximum juice of cucumber and when you are done with it go subscribe my channel before moving on my remedy press cucumber with a spoon to get maximum juice out out of it because cucumbers juice is very effective
for dark body parts. you guys always request for written tips so i have put my complete tips and remedies on my website www.fooodin5minutes.com do check out the website it has complete directions with pictures as well. dip cotton ball in potato juice and rub it over on elbow. rub in circular motion for five minutes. if tanning is more do it for 10 minutes.
then take out lemon juice and put it in dry milk . apply it on your elbow for 5 to 10 minutes. dependiing on darkness scrub it for 5 minutes now i am following the same procedure with cucumber juice also for 5 minutes. if your tanning is more you can rub it for 10 15 minutes on your elbow. you have to use this remedy in a week for three times
if your darkness is more and you can also use this remedy on your dark knees dark elbows, under arms and dark neck, now clean your elbow with a tissue and difference is

right infront of you. my dark knees and elbows have turned clean and fair. so friends do subscribe my channel and like and share this remedy with your friends. till then bye bye.