zach: on behalf of golden eagle log homes,we welcome you to tonight's webinar, called 'interior and exterior design elements'. i'm just going to review a few housekeepingthings with you before we begin, the first of that is, we encourage you to ask questionsduring the presentation. and to do so you should see a questions panelon your screen, so when you have that question
vinyl siding colors for homes pictures, send it our way. we're going to hold on to those, and we'llgo through them at the end of the presentation. another thing for you to know is we are goingto record this presentation; you'll receive a copy of it in your e-mail within 24 hoursso that is something that you can review in
the future or in case you have to leave usearly tonight, don't worry you won't miss out. that will also include a question and answersession. tonight's presentation will be given by justinjankowski. justin actually has a degree in home designand justin was designing homes for 12 years before he began in sales. so, justin is the perfect guy to talk to youtonight about the neat things that you can do with the interior and exterior of yourhome justin, here you are. justin: okay, thanks zach, first of all wantto thank everybody for taking time out of
their schedule to attend the seminar, i certainlyappreciate it. and like zach said, i spent most of my careerhere at golden eagle log homes in the design and engineering department. i have a degree in residential and light commercialdesign. so, while i love every part of the process,the home building process, i certainly enjoy the design process with the customer, designingthe home features and items and newest construction trends and ideas that are out there so. a little background about golden eagle loghomes, we've been a business now for 51 years, been family owned ever since.
and in that time frame, we've now built over5,000 homes in 49 states. we do a number of different styles of homesfrom half log to full log, timber frame, just any wood structure type of home we'll buildand design. so, without further ado, let's dig into thepresentation. so, tonight's presentation is interior andexterior design elements, basically what it is, it's a collection of ideas and picturesof what our clients have done in the past. and hopefully you can gather some ideas toincorporate into your new home. so, i want to first start with the interiorof the home and we will jump right into the kitchen.
that's probably one of the most importantrooms in the home, most time talked about design spent on, money spent, is right inthe kitchen and for good reason. it seems to be the place where everybody gathersand spends quite a bit of time. this is a great picture, this is a pictureof a kitchen from one of our lake house plans, it's well designed, it's got a very open conceptand there's a lot of features in this in this kitchen that i'd like to point out. you know good use a stone in this kitchenyou'll see on the kitchen island, we see cultured stone used in a lot of different areas thehome and i'll get more into that later in the presentation, but you'll see the use ofcabinetry in the kitchen which what i mean
is different heights, different door styles,you'll see up here, we've got some glass in the door. some people are concerned sometimes that theycan't get that tile backsplash with their log home and you certainly can, you can evenlook behind the island there and you can still get that tile backsplash. couple other things in this plan, you cansee all modern day amenities, you don't need to hold back at all with your log or timberframe home. nice copper hood you'll see here, you cansee my cursor up there. a couple of other things to point out thispicture chinking too, chinking is simply cosmetic
now and in our style of home with the kilndrying process. so, some people still like the chinking lookand you can certainly still do it. so, designing the kitchen you know see heregolden eagle we do have our own in-house design staff basically, will design that kitchenfor you. our selections coordinator will go throughtheir kitchen cabinet by cabinet and talk about all the different features that youcan have in your new home. the features with with cabinet design nowadaysis limitless, it's unbelievable all the different options you can have in your kitchen. and again if you look down here in the lowerright-hand picture, this is another lake house
plan. a little different look he still has a tilebacksplash but notice the different heights in the cabinetry, very popular gives it alot of dimension, nice, big crown molding on the top of those cabinets. and painted cabinets as well. so, even in your log or timber home you havepainted cabinets, i think it goes really well with the log and the tongue and groove coveringthat they have behind it. but back to the design, i mean we will designthe home for you and then we'll design the kitchen to fit, that's the beauty of it, noworries or stress about, is this kitchen going
to fit, you know with my log style, with mywall finishes? that's the beauty of the complete packagewith golden eagle, we designed the home and then we design these components and kitchencabinets to fit the home. our selections coordinator, you'll see thedesign there on the far left, he'll design it. he will design it, he will give you 3d rendering,you see the rendering up top. and then that's it in real life, he'll actuallytake his design that he designed for you from his software and import into our design softwareand make sure that it fits right down to the 8th inch make sure that sink is right underthe kitchen window.
make sure all the moldings and the extendedstyles are in place so it looks nice up against that full log wall. so, moving on to the next slide is like isaid, the features with cabinetry are endless i mean it's strictly not limited to the kitchenanymore, these three pictures right here are walk-in closets, really they're basicallywalk in rooms if you see how big they are, the size of some bedrooms. and you see a good use of cabinetry in eachof these, the one on the far left here on the left, actually has an island in it withsome granite countertop on it and look at the nice, the trim work, the library moldingvertical here.
drawers over here to the right and up herein the upper right you see the nice space shelving for shoes, it's unbelievable thefeatures now in cabinetry. drop zones. here's another area where cabinetry is used,a drop zone is the area back maybe between the house and the garage, when you come infrom from the garage on a daily basis. people are just so into many sports, extracurriculars,hobbies, just have more stuff and this is a great way to organize and hide all of thatstuff you'll see a lacrosse stick here or maybe it's a motorcycle helmet or boots orhockey sticks. it's a great way to keep that stuff organizedwith a nice bench, some lockers and then even
some upper cabinetry in this design. great place to utilize a barn door, barn doorsare very, very popular right now and this is a great place to use it. basically a door is going to be open probably90, 95% of the time. so you'll still be able to see that door,but that time where you want it shut, you don't have time to clean up the mess whenguests are coming over, you can simply shut that door and hide the mess. laundry rooms kind of incorporate into thesame area as maybe a dropzone back by the garage, maybe it's a mud room.
again, great use of cabinetry in here yousee how we kinda hid the washer and dryer with the side panel only in the taller panelshere put a countertop up above it, create a nice folding station. different heights in the cabinetry as welland look at the nice trim work under cabinet holding. excuse me. home offices. home offices, people work from home with theuse of the internet and e-mail, a lot of people are working from home or home based business,this is something we're incorporating into
a lot of plans now. maybe it's a second or third or fourth bedroomthat works as a home office as well this particular picture is strictly a home office as you cansee by the technology that's in this room. again, great use of cabinetry. and all the modern day amenities, you certainlydon't need to hold back in your log or timber frame home, you can see up here on the upperleft-hand corner of this picture, in-house speakers, surround sound in this house. you can see a t.v. mounted up here and lookat all the computer systems that are all hidden nicely within the cabinetry.
so, certainly don't need to hold back, youknow if you do a lot of work from home, let's take a look at that plan and design a spacefor you so you can comfortably work from home when need be. tiled showers, walk in showers, pretty mucha norm now in the master suites. lot of people will design a thinking aheadof the term use is aging a place you know this is probably going to be the last homethat they built, so they're kind of thinking ahead. and maybe we'd design that walk in shower,if you see down here in the lower right-hand side, it doesn't have a curb or no step intothat shower, the floor is simply sloped to
the drain and you can if, god forbid, youend up with a wheelchair or a walker you can easily get into that shower. a nice glass wall on this shower as well reallyopens that bathroom up too, doesn't feel closed in. so, you can see through that glass wall intothe shower makes a room feel bigger that maybe it actually is. and again, the other two to the left, greatuse of stone in here and some cool pebble work on the floor and then they brought itup the walls, very cool. so, and a lot of times we will heat some ofthese floors in the walk in showers or in
the bathrooms, a couple different ways todo that if you just want to heat the floor in the bathroom, probably simply use an electricalpad underneath that tile and heats that cold tile, it's nice and warm when you step ontoit . so, something to think about. that washing station, these are areas basicallyback maybe toward where you enter from the garage again. pets are very important to people to a lotof people, they're part of the family and people take a good care of their pets andthe picture on the left here, the gentleman was a hunter, the wife still love the pets,still wanted them in the house but she needed them cleaned before they came in the house,so,there was a space designed where the dogs
could hop right in the shower and could getcleaned off from the dust and dirt from a nice, long hunt and then come in the houseand enjoy the warmth of the house after a nice, long hunt. entertaining spaces, we are designing a lotof rooms designed just for entertaining and this is a great picture of a wine room thatwe designed up in new hampshire. so, not sure if that's a nice enough winebut i guess it's a good start. but great use of stone here, again, a lotof different features in this, got some timbers up on the walls and the ceilings. again, the glass wall kind of showed off thatstaircase, that log staircase that they have.
here's a picture of a lower level basement,maybe a man cave. you know a nice pool table with a bar closeby, great space, open space for entertaining a lot of guests in this room here. home theaters. t.v.'s are certainly not getting any smaller,all the equipment and in wall speakers are getting more complex every year so we've donea lot of spaces, designed just for watching movies, a lot of times these spaces are foundin the lower level where there is not a lot of natural light to give any glare to thet.v.but can certainly be designed anywhere in the house.
simply give some theater seating very easilywith simply raising that second tier of chairs, you'll see some nice, log trim along the bottom. and some lighting, very easily done, goeswell with the rest of the home, you see through the door, you see the nice log and the stone,flows very well with this style of home. so, with with your log or timber home, there'sdefinitely some some nice ways to add some nice looking staircases, there's a numberof different stairways that we offer at golden eagle, two of them are right here. the picture on the left is what we call ourhalf log stairs, you'll see the stringers on the outside, the half log stringers onthe outside of the treads.
very openness, open feel to it, you can seedown to the lower level and to the stairs below, these types of stairs and a lot ofpeople maybe had what we call hickory treads down to the basement because you will seethose stairs going down as well, it's a very open feel to this this style of stairs. so, if the stairs end up being in the commonarea of the home where a lot of the stairways are, you know the great room kitchen diningarea it's a nice little feature to have, they're actually pieces of artwork, they are very,very appealing. so, this is the half log stairs on the lefthand side, the picture on the right, is what we call our full log stairs, little differentlook here you'll see the stringer is actually
underneath the half log treads, underneaththe treads. they're hard to see, but there are now someblack brackets, attached to that stringer, and they hold and cup those treads. and give it a nice feel, those black metalbrackets are very popular. so, very open feel as you can see the stairhere is right in that entryway, guests are going to walk in that home and they are goingto get that immediate wow factor from that staircase. so, timber framing. our expose beam package that we offer is becomingmore and more popular every year.
this type of package can certainly be donein a number of different ways, these timbers and timber trusses can be structural or theycan be decorative, the most way that our customers tend to lean towards is the expose beam packagedwhere it is there nonstructural members becomes much more cost effective this way, gives youa lot more freedom to do what you want. you can place the trusses, the timbers, theaccents wherever you'd like, you're not locked in any on center spacing. you can put it these timbers and accents inthe in the common area of the home, say, again, the great room kitchen dining area put themthrough that area and then maybe all back in the bedrooms and bathrooms, where you don'tneed them and most people won't see, becomes
much more cost effective. so, you'll see right here these trusses up,you see my cursor in the upper right hand picture. these accents are added as decorative pieces,you can decide on what style you want with this type of construction, you can add someblack metal brackets, see down here in this can be used on the interior or exterior ofthe home. this next slide, this structure turned outvery great, you'll see, really complex with the timber accents and the trusses, barrelstyle truss here with a number of different sizes which really gives it some dimension, went with some 10" x 10".
and some 8" x 8" i believe in here, the timbersand trusses are then hand-hewn, they're given a different color which really make them popagainst the the tongue and groove. you can see the tongue and groove is ran ina different direction than normally. so, as you can see a lot of flexibility withthis type of construction, the timber frame or the exposed beam packages that we offer. this a great slide, i love this, this is basicallythe same house, same floor plan i should say, variations of our north carolina plan butyou'll see three different looks here, the one on the upper right is basically a loghome, you see all wood there, wood floors, wood walls, wood ceilings a lot of log beamsand accents.
the one on the right-hand side here, that'sour exposed beam package, you can see a very different look, added some more drywall onhere, added some color. it's really up to you we're trying to showyou that it's really up to you what you want to do, we try to give you as many ideas aswe can and and you choose the direction you want to go. custom carvings. this is very popular this is something uniquethat you can do with these style homes is add these custom carvings, we've got a localcarver here that will carve just about anything. he'll carve into mantles, he'll carve railingposts, he'll carve structural posts, he'll
carve your name into a mantle, whatever youwant, you give him a picture of a boat, a harley, a snowmobile, like you see in thispicture, it was the customer's, the client's home, he carved it in the mantle for him .so,those little unique, little touches that you can do to these style homes, really adds,really makes them unique. here's a good slide, a good use of culturedstone. cultured or i should really call it manufacturedstone, can be used anywhere in the home, that is the beauty of it, you don't need a fullfoundation to support that stone anymore. the color is more consistent with this typeof stone, it's a manufactured product, so what it is, it's colored concrete, that'sbeen poured into a mold, molded right from
real stone, it's popped out and still appliedone individual stone at a time, grouted in between one individual stone or in betweeneach stone and i get asked the question all the time is this is this real or fake? and you know if you have to ask i think it'sdoing its job. probably 90, 95% of the homes we sell arethe manufactured stone. so, you see in the lower right-hand picturehere they did use it on their fireplace. but then also on their stove hood, they putthe stone above the stove hood, all the way to the ceiling. again, we see it a lot on snack bars, on thekitchen island, wainscotting, you can see
the little corner here use it as wainscottingas well. and this client used it in his bathroom, trimmedout the doors very nicely, nice little touch with the wagon wheel. great shot you know. so, moving into that same method that thebathroom i just showed you, this is the master suite of that bathroom, master suite's areyour own little sanctuary sometimes. you can see this master suite has a couchin it over on the top left-hand picture you'll see a tea bar, a tea counter, where they couldwake up right away in the morning make their tea or maybe it's coffee, again, great usethe stone in this room.
vaulted ceilings, put some tie beam accentsin here, decorative tie beams, in our type of construction, the way we construct ourhomes, those are decorative. so, if you like them if you don't like thenyou can add or subtract them, move around, design different designs with those typesbeams as well. you can do whatever you want, there becausethey are nonstructural. again, great use of cabinetry in this bathroom,nice set of drawers and the doors separating the two sinks. custom wall finishes. some people get concerned that they can'tdo drywall or add color with their log home
and you certainly can. again, it's a personal preference, i've hadat a lot of customers do all wood, i have had a lot of customers that do a lot of drywallon the inside and add some color and add some different textures. these particular pictures are full finishesthat some of our clients have done i don't like to call them stencils because they're3d. they're three-dimensional there are layersof plaster and paint and given some real texture and real dimensions so even in even your fulllog or timber frame home, you can certainly add a lot of color.
and here's a log home, a lot of wood in thisparticular home but they added some color with changing up the color on different piecesand adding some accent colors. you see a lot of a lot of the wood or logi should say, is stained a darker color, that gable end wall is dark brown. a structural post you see right in the frontand that tie beam are stained a much darker color, and then the tongue and groove in theceiling so it makes them pop, makes them stand out a little bit, but if you see the insertdown in the lower left-hand corner, they did add some dry wall as well, added some verybright, vibrant colors and i think it really turned out well.
so a couple different ways you can add somesome color and some texture to your home. okay, so now we're going to pop out , we'regoing to jump to the outside of the home. we're going to start with this some of theexteriors features of these homes and these are some great pictures of some homes thatwe've recently done. we'll start with, we'll get into logs firstof all, and like i said earlier with golden eagle, you can have your choice of half alog or a full log really, it really makes no difference to us which way to run withit but these two homes right here, one is full log one is half log. and you could not tell the difference, theylook the same, same features on them, the
beauty of our half log is the fasteners areall hidden and you can simply you can have all of the same features as a full log home,looks just like a full log . i guess we sell more full log than anything, every year italways seems to be that people come to us for the authentic full log home, about 60%percent of our sales are full log , another 30% is the half log and that timber framemakes up the rest, that timber frame work's becoming more and more popular every year. but, half log construction maybe gives youa little more freedom to do what you want on the inside if you wanted some more tongueand groove or some more drywall. maybe a customer will lean towards half logbut we will do both.
so, whichever whichever way you want to handleit. but again come in to golden eagle, you dohave a lot of options you're going to have the choice of 38 different log profiles between8 ", 10" and 12" log. so, you'll have your choice of round, d shapes,square, the options are almost endless with golden eagle. so, you'll have your choice of different cornersas well, you see 5 different corner options here, you're starting at the top left is thevertical corner, available in round or square. it's a nice, sleek, big, round or verticalcorner at each outside corner. the next corner there b is the butt and passcorner, that seems to be our most popular
corner for whatever reason just seems morepopular. the next one, c, is the saddle notch corner,so now you'll see every course has a corner cut into it, the best way to describe thiscorner is the lincoln log sets, where one course is corked out to fit the course belowit. the next one, d, is dove tail and that kindof resembles maybe the drawers that you see on your cabinetry. it's a nice complex looking corner, nice tightlooking corner and e, the curved cut corner, where now you'll see that saddle notch cornerhas a curve cut into it. it has a nice little unique touch to it that'susually done on site but no corner.
we feel no corner is more structurally soundthan the other, it really comes down to personal preference what kind of look that you're goingfor. the vertical corner is the least expensive,the butt and pass is what you'll see in our standard pricing revealed online and thenthe c and d dovetail, corner,curve cut are a step up from the butt and pass corners,just because that we precut all the corners here at golden eagle for the contractor, hedoesn't have to cut them on site. they're all precision cut with our machineryhere. so there is a charge for cutting those cornershere and with the saddle notch and dovetail, you just double the amount of corners at thatyou put on the home.
so let's say butt and pass,we have thirteencorners, saddle matching dovetail you now have 26 corners on each 8" foot vertical corner,so that's where the extra cost comes in, but it's up to you, whatever look you want you'retrying to achieve. and then also you'll have four different texturesyou'll be able to put on those logs or timbers. the first one here on the far left is oursemi smooth, comes out semi smooth from our machinery, that probably, might have to besome light sanding that might need be done on site but, essentially smooth. the step from there, the next step up is astandard peel. the standard peel now gives it that semi rusticfeel to it.
the semi smooth and the standard peel areright in our standard pricing that you see revealed online. the next one over to the right is the handpeeled, so, now, this log is actually peeled by hand, each individual log is hand touchedby one of the guys on the yard and peeled. same thing with hand hewn, hand hewn is reallyleft for our square log, it gives it that, add style, old add style look that you seeon some of appalachian style log homes or on those timber frame homes for people thatwant to add some more texture and dimension to those timbers. so, i keep reiterating but a lot of featuresa lot of options when you come to golden eagle,
38 different log profiles 5 different fourcorner styles and 4 different textures. so, no two homes are ever going to be thesame, each home is unique in its own way. this is a great picture, i love using thispicture, it's-- we've got a lot of things going on with this home. this is actually a half log home and it hasthe exposed beam or timber frame look on the inside. so, you can certainly match the two, you canmatch the or mix and match the log and the timber frame homes, they go well very welltogether. but the reason i brought this picture up isthey've got a lot of different textures on
the outside of this home, if i can get-- itell my customers if i can you to get use three different textures on the outside ofthat home it really becomes very unique and very appealing. what i mean by texture is maybe sidings orexterior facades, if you see down here on the walk out wall on the lower level, there'ssome stone then above that we have some half log which carries through to that that technicallythat first floor and then up in the gable we have some cedar shakes so you can see threedifferent textures right on this end of the home i think it really looks sharp breaksup to all those lines and it really looks sharp.
they also did the western roof too, i'll getinto that a little bit later western roof, is this little piece up here on top the roofreally, no structural or ventilation added to that it breaks up that that big expanseof roof and shingles, makes it more interesting, more appealing. so here are some of the options to do in thegables or the dormers of the home, there's really a lot of different sidings or texturesthat you can put up there and the first one starting the left-hand column is the cedarshake on that that's what you see in it in the in the pricing right right online. i think it looks sharp.
you can you can even break up the cedar shakeswith what we call a turkey track. you see in the lower left-hand corner somehalf log pieces orientated in what we feel looks like what a turkey would make, a turkeytrack would look like in the snow or the mud. this particular customer in the upper left-handcorner added a nice little accent truss up in that gable and he extended that rake outa foot, popped it out a little bit and added some dimension to that fascia. the next column over, is a log you can certainlyrun if you want log all the way through the gable by all means put it through the gableend or the dormer. you know have the same corner style that youwould on your home, you know put it up in
the dormer as well. and then the next one over to the right isa polymer shake, so, some customers were looking for a maintenance free option when it cameto the dormers and gables so, we do offer a polymer shake available in a number of differentcolors. it's virtually maintenance free up there,so when it came time to me to maintain that home you just had to maintain the lower levelor first level of log on that home. the one on the far right that is maybe somevertical, we have some vertical options as well, this top right corner is a verticalcedar double rustic channel cedar. one on the lower right hand right here isnow an lp product this is a board and batten
product and lp. smart lap siding. we're getting into a little bit of that nowwith the timber frame and exposed beam packages. so here and here are some homes that featurethe lp smart lap siding. you'll see, i'll start with the one in theright-hand side here. again, got a lot of different textures goingon in the outside yours he has some stone on the bottom, some lap siding. and then also some shakes up in the gableand now you can see here, the accents, the timber accents, the exposed beam accents yousee the posts here, the square post and you
can just see into that timber truss in thegable of that porch. here's another one, he did round version,so you'll see he's got round vertical corners here, round trim around the windows and doorsand he also has some shake up in the gables, breaks up those horizontal lines along withthe stone. and then flair posts also here, at the coveredporch, again three different textures here, here and here. i really think it looks sharp, really addsa lot of dimension to the home. so, another option that we do offer this isfirst came into play when we had to customers that needed a fire retardant exterior facadeon their home out west where wildfires are
prevalent, so the concrete log siding, basicallygoes on a framed wall, a conventionally built wall. typically 2" x 6" is what we provide and thenthe concrete log gets applied to the exterior of the home. number of different styles with this concretelog, there's a round version, see in the two pictures one on the left, one on the lowerright. and then also a square or flat version witha vertical corner as well. typically more expensive than even a fullat home but you know if that's the look you're trying to achieve then so be it.
and then when you do the log on the insideyou do maybe a half log on the inside or put the timber accents on the inside. so, the windows are another item that cancertainly add to the home as well, it basically comes down to the frame around the windowis what it comes down to. the glass is pretty much all the same withthe windows. and then the different materials used aroundthe window will determine the price and the look of the window. so you see at the top right-hand side of theslide here, aluminum clad, fiberglass and then vinyl.
so, vinyl is over on the far left here. you'll see the frame is an almond color. trying to point to the frame of the windowhere, hopefully you guys can see that so the glass is framed with vinyl, the inside beautyof vinyl is that it's maintenance free exterior and interior the inside of that window isgoing to be vinyl as well. the jams can be wood, jams of the window canbe wood but maybe one reason people move away from vinyl is the color options, basicallycomes in a white and almond color and in one of the higher series it comes in a dark brown. so if a customer is looking for that greencolor or red or blue or even black is becoming
very popular then they will move into whatis the aluminum clad window and that is what you see on the right-hand side this pictureright here. so, now this type of window becomes---it isa wood window, it is a wood frame windows so the glass is framed with wood you see woodon the inside of the window but then the outside of the window, the exteriors of the windowhas an aluminum cladding that is applied to it and then it's an extruded aluminum powdercoat painted to virtually whatever color that you want, that you're trying to match. there is one window in between these two,which is a fiberglass window, very similar true to the vinyl type window and it's producedout of a fiberglass material.
there is some more color options in that beingyou can get some darker colors in that, you need a dark brown, a dark black, they havenot come out with a green for us yet but hopefully that's down the road but we'll see. so the windows can certainly add a lot tothe home but the vinyl windows, you might be limited to some of the shapes and stylesmay have to add some more trim pieces in there than aluminum clad, but still a very energyefficient window, their most energy efficient window through the company that we carry pella'sis their vinyl window. so, here are some different some differentroof styles to help but to help protect or shade the home.
there's a couple different features that youcan do the one of the left-hand side here is a western roof, what you spoke about alittle bit earlier where you were you pop that that center portion of that peak of theroof out a foot and then we'll raise it. again no ventilation or structural integrityto that, just simply that the look breaking up that big expanse of roof. the overhang here at golden eagle, we startwith a minimum of 2 foot,the picture here of the western roof that is a 3 ft rake extensionon there and 3 foot on the eaves as well. the other option if you want to keep the overhangsto a minimum, maybe like a two foot, i wouldn't go any shorter than that but the other optionis maybe a flying rake.
so, you'll see here what a flying rake isyou see my cursor down the lower right-hand side, it's starts out at a 2 foot overhang,now once it gets up to the peak here, you'll see it juts out to a 4 foot, so we call thata flying rake and what that does that will help protect the glass here, the gable endin those hot summer days with that sun is very high and help protect that glass andhelp cut down on some of the sun that gets into the home. but then, in the winter time when the sunis lower it still lets in a lot of natural light and warms up that home a little bit. so in this flying rake picture here too yousee again the vinyl windows here on his home,
i like to point out on this picture as wella lot of maintenance free products on this home here, he did get the vinyl windows he'sgot the aluminum spindles you'll see here across the front. so those would be maintenance free, he alsodid a maintenance free deck, fascia board here and maintenance free decking. all the fascia and soffits as well are pre-paintedaluminum. so, less to maintain there as well. so, we've taken a lot of steps right fromthe start at golden eagle to help reduce the maintenance as well on your home.
okay, outdoor living spaces, a lot of ourhomes are built out in the wilderness you're on a river or lake or you have a mountainview and you certainly want to bring the outside in, you want to take advantage of that viewthat you have and there's a number of different ways that you could do that. the first step would be basically puttinga deck, if you can see my cursor on the left-hand side picture here that's i think we're familiarwith the deck, very open feel. still need some railing around there but asimple deck with was a nice log railing and posts. so, now let's say you want to use that whileit's raining or even snowing and you can put
a cover on that on the deck, now we just wejust change into a covered porch, that's a step up from a deck, a covered porch thisis a shed style covered porch right here. so, let's say you want to take it to the nextlevel you want to be out there and not have to worry about the bugs and mosquitoes, ourstate bird is mosquito in wisconsin here, so we know very well, how bugs can ruin anice evening. so, screen porches are very popular, so thatcovered porch we just added to the home we'll put screen in between those posts. a lot of times we'll put screen underneaththe decking as well the little buggers can can come up through the decking.
and then the next step up from there wouldbe a three seasons room which now will take the screen and we'll actually put windowsin here, a lot of times they're storm windows or we have a nice vinyl four track slidingwindow system that you can put in their window and door system. so a three seasons room is simply a deck withwindows in it now, still no foundation in there, it's not a heated space. it's a three seasons room. and then the step up from there would be afour seasons room, now this is basically an extension of the home it's going to have afoundation underneath it it's going to have
heat in it typically it's going to have thewindows in it like you would in the rest of the home and it's simply a room with a lotof windows, four seasons room, sun rooms people will call them but you have the same featuresthat you would in the rest of the house just trying to bring those outdoor living spacesin and take advantage of that view. so, you want to get a step further and actuallybe outside when we designed, a lot of spaces, lot of features of that home to be used outside. i mean let's look at this big sprawling patio. you can see the nice log stairs off to theleft that we extended down to his patio matches the rest of his house, the stain and the postyou can even see the stone on the front of
the bar here matches the stone on the restof the home. nice big covered porch here and i guess eveninside the home could come out and view the party down below. and we're not just limited to homes we'vedesigned a lot of spaces, a lot of pool pubs, outdoor cabanas, poolside pavilions we willagain, use the same log, the same stain, same corner style the same stone as as we did onthe home so it complements the home very well. so, not just limited to homes, we've havedone a lot of other structures too, so keep that in mind when when designing your homeand the rest of the outdoor features as well. so that pretty much brings the presentationto a conclusion.
i'll go through some of the questions here. i see one for decorative beams. jim asked "are you able to do decorative beamsof thirty foot long, is that feasible?" and yes most certainly you can depending on thestyle that you want to do, sometimes we will have to add a black bracket in there but yeahwith those being nonstructural, we can pretty much do whatever you want, thirty foot longif it's a round log post yeah, a round log that you want to use that's no problem. sometimes the timbers we add that black metalbracket in there to help support the truss. but yeah, most certainly thirty thirty footis not a problem.
is there any other questions that might beout there? and another one popped up from janice. "how well do dead posts handle climatic weather?" haven't had an issue really with posts. usually the posts that we have for the exteriorof the home all of them, all the posts are going to be in contact with concrete or thetreated deck are going to be borate dipped. so, borate dipped means it's a salt brinesolution that house prevent against rot and decay. and some of the other posts can be cedar aswell, some of our 6 "posts are cedar.
so, usually not a problem and if you're concernedabout it, yeah we will definitely make sure that they are dipped or there are some capsthat you can put on it as well. bob has a question, " what is the expectedmaintenance and frequency for a log home exterior?" it's typically, what we've seen in the pastfrom customers, it's four to six years, maintaining a clear coat on at home. it's not where you're stripping and stainingand restaining and sealing, what it is most of the stain products are going to be a stainand a sealer over it. that clear sealer is what protects the stainof the log underneath it. so, you keep up on that clear sealer and that'swhat's going to help protect the home, that's
what's going to protect the home. and i see customers going back every fourto six years, i give it a range because every home is different. how it's oriented to the sun, you know ifyou're out in the plains states or tucked in the woods, those certainly affect the longevityof that stain. so, you know that southside will probablybe the first side to go south and maybe west side will be the side you have to maintainfirst. but that's the beauty of the clear sealersnow is you can do just the south and the west side and maybe that north and the east sideand can wait a year or two.
so, good question but everyone's a littledifferent it's like a range about four to six. "can you tell us something about optionalfinished basements?" yes we do a lot of them that's one thing thatwe should add. we do a number of finished basements thatis really dependent on a lot if you can the lot will determine you know if you have anice slope to the property yeah definitely put a walk out wall on the back side of thathome. walk out wall is that foundation, it's exposedfoundation wall, that's typically framed we add some natural light in there with a bigpatio doors and windows and you finish that
off as as you would the rest of the home andyou add some serious square feet footage, for minimal cost. another question, " when building a timberframe home, do you see sips? yeah, if it's a structural timber frame homethat's probably one of the most common ways to do it , is with a sip panel. the timbers then become structural, trussesbecome structural and you have to frame or put panels in between there and. a lot of times yes sips are used. good question from jay, " do you sell in canada?",we sure do, we have sold, like i said, in
49 states and canada probably missed thatlast little blurb there so good question jay. yeah, we do sell in canada we actually havean independent proprietor up there in ontario now. with manufactured stone janice asked " canyou pick out the colors?" yes we just updated the colors as well here. we try to stay up with the trends in the market so we just updated the dozen optionsthat we have here and our vendor has a number of probably a couple dozen more options thatthat you can choose from but yeah that's the beauty of manufactured stone is that you canchoose the style and the color that you're looking for.
zach: all right thank you justin. thank you all for taking the time to joinus this evening.

a copy of this presentation will be sent toyou all through email within the next 24 hours and if you have any questions , justin's contactinformation is on this last slide and his contact information will also be includedin that e-mail, so feel free to reach out to justin and he can take care of you guysone on one.