now we're going to talk about colored lensesfor those of you who have very light eyes. this is for those of you who have green, maybeeven a very light brown and, of course, blue eyes. when you buy contact lenses, these arejust enhancements to your color already, you won't see a brown in here. what you will seeis the very bright blue of caribbean aqua, a little bit of a deeper blue in pacific blue,sea green, if you have green eyes this will
where can i buy colored contacts near me, really make the eye pop again, autumn is justkind of a darker green not quite as bright as the sea green. the eden, for light eyes,again, kind of a luminescent blue, as is the moonlight, just slightly different textures.honestly, i'm not sure much about the difference between these two but they are luminescent.down below we have aqua, which, again, is
going to really make somebody that has lighteyes, pop. we have evergreen, which is an extremely light green and then finally youfinish up with royal blue. as i said, previously,
what you're going to notice is that all ofthese are enhancements to those of you who have light eyes. they're just trying to makethings show up, pop a little bit better when people look at you and it just kind of givesa little bit of a different coloration than your existing eye color.