[theme music playing] calendars are importantbecause if you're like me, you forget to do things unlessthey're written down in your calendar. so this project is perfectfor that because i'm
where to find colored duct tape, going to create a whiteboardsurface using duct tape and a store bought frame. all you need to do is takeapart your store-bought frame. you should have the frame,the backing, and the glass.
and then you want to cut a piece ofcard stock the same size as your glass. so i'm going to use this rainbowpattern on my card stock, and that's going to be thecolor backing for my whiteboard. and then i'm going to matchthis lovely clean white color, and i'm going to coverthe frame surround. so i'm going to cover the short sidefirst and then cover the long sides. and i'm just going to overlap it lately. and then in the inside, here, i'mjust going to cut into the corner. and then that just folds right in andcovers up that inside lip right there.
and then just repeat this processon the long sides of your frame, until you are all the way covered. so this is what the frame looks likenow, all covered in my white color that i chose. and now i'm going to move on tothe backing of my whiteboard, which is the card stock, andmy rainbow duck tape, and i'm just going to very simplycover one side of the card stock. i'm just going to curl around thisexcess because the back of this doesn't matter.
love it. all right, so here'smy rainbow card stock. so i want to know what day ofthe week this frame is, so i'm going to create the lettersusing a duck tape sheet. and here is the one trickypart about this project. i'm going to write downthe day of the week, but you need to write it backwardsbecause when we cut it out and tape it down, this is the sidethat needs to show. so once you're done writingyour day of the week backwards,
you're just going to cut itout with your craft night and then stick it on the sheet thatyou covered with your card stock. and it's going to look like this. and then once you're done this, you'regoing to just put it in your frame. but make sure you cover it firstwith the glass, because that is going to be your whiteboard surface. and there you go. there's monday. and i just will writewith my dry erase marker,
i've got to travel over the rainbow. that should be fun. and there's also some fun other thingsyou can do with the other duck tape prints, like you canmake a give a hoot list. and then something else that'sfunny-- i love this one. this is the dill with it print. and this is a to dill list. these are so fun. obviously there's so many things youcan do with these duck tape dry erase

boards. i love this calendar. i'm going to make tuesday, wednesday,thursday, friday, saturday, sunday and put them on my wall.