color code for fiber optic cable

hey guys it's been a while since i made mylast video, but today i'm going to tell you how to do something that the internet companiesdo not want you to know how to do. i'm going to show you how to double your internet speedat no extra cost. you won't have to pay them for an additional plan, and you can do itfor completely free with materials you already have in your house. all you're going to needis scissors, electrical tape, and two cat-5

color code for fiber optic cable, ethernet cables. i know you're wondering howthis is going to work, but i'm gonna show you how it works and prove that it works toyou today. ok so now i'm going to explain to you how to make a special cable that'sgoing to allow you to double your internet speed and you're gonna be able to use justtwo cat-5 cables. you already have those in

your house, they're the standard internetcables that you plug into the back of your computer. now instead of using a second cable,i have this 500 foot cat-5 ethernet cable box. so instead of a second cable i'm justgoing to cut a length of wire out of this box. now you won't need the scissors unlessyou have one of these boxes like me, but since most of you are probably gonna just use asecond cable, you probably won't even need the scissors. ok so starting off, you wantto find out how long your ethernet cable is. it probably says so right on the package thisone for example is 5 feet. so i'm going to cut off about 5 feet of cable out of thisbox. a little more, i'm going to give it a little bit of slack. alright so now i have,we don't need this thing any more and now

i have this 5 foot plus cable, ethernet. nowit doesn't matter that this doesn't have the little ends on it, like this one does, youdon't need them. alright the next step which is the most important step but it is stillnot that difficult at all, it will only take you a few seconds. you have to wrap the oneend of your second cable around your main cable. now it doesn't matter which is yourmain cable, so wrap three times around the end right below the base of this connectorthing. now, follow the cables to the other end, i have a little bit of extra so i'm goingto cut this off. you don't need to cut it off if you have a second cable if you don'twant to waste it. so i'm going to wrap again three times around this end. alright now youneed the electrical tape, and actually we

will need scissors for the eletrical tape,i lied. now it doesn't matter how much eletrical tape you use, you're basically just usingthis to secure the twists around the ends and prevent any current from getting out ofthe wires. we have one exposed end obviously if you cut it, and even if you didn't cutthe wire if you're using a standard cable, there are open pins on the other end. so besure to tape up any loose ends. you can see right here that i have the end of my graycable which is my secondary cable, all the ends are covered up with tape. if i had asecond blue wire i would want to cover up this part with blue tape as well as the loopsi made. so i'm going to do that to the other end. so now when you're done you're left withthis ugly looking double cable. you're probably

wondering what the heck is this, how is thisgonna even work. well this is basically a jury-rigged version of the really expensivecables you can buy at best buy like monster cable, and they add a little extra thingsin but they don't really make a difference like gold plating you don't really need that.this is basically what they're doing, they're wrapping extra cables inside the housing soyou can't see it but that's basically what they're doing and that's how they're moreexpensive, they claim they're higher quality, this is what they're doing. so now if youuse this cable, it will double your internet speed. i'll demonstrate in a minute but firsti'm going to prove to you why it does this and explain why does it double your internetspeed and you're gonna need to know a little

bit of physics but if you don't just bearwith me it will make a lot of sense after you watch my explanation if you have a littlebit of physics. if not you're just going to have to trust that i know what i'm doing andyou'll have to see for yourself that this does in fact work. alright now the way i'm going to prove thisis actually mathematically using something called gauss's law and kirchoff's currentlaw. what i'm going to do is first write out gauss's law. now gauss's law states, welli'm not going to really explain it but this is the equation. that the enclosed currentof the gaussian current is epsilon sub zero times the surface integral of the eletricfield times the derivative of the area, the

surface area. now i'm going to re-arrangethis using kirchoff's current formula, we're going to get the length of the wire. sorry,the length of the wire times the information constant which will give you the amount ofinformation that can actually pass through the wire and then it's the same integral the wire is cylindrical so what we want to do is we want to put instead of a overhere, we're going to simplify this integral, we're going to say e times two pi r. now that'sthe circumference times the length to give you surface area. and as you can see the l'sdrop out so it does not matter how long your wire is. so as a consequence of this, herewe have this expression right here. two pi r, that's, you can think of that as the surfacearea of the wire. so the information going

through the wire is proportional to the integralof the area, so as you can see if you double the area, two times the area, will give youtwo times the information going through the wire. so you can see what we just did, weconnected two wires basically, we allowed double the information, double the currentto go through it so now we can get double the information through that same wire. andi just proved it right here, using gauss's law and kirchoff's current law. alright sonow that i proved mathematically why this cable will work, i'm going to just show's a lot simpler to just show you, i figured the math buffs might want to see of the equations,but now i'm going to show everyone else the proof on the computer how this will doubleyour speed. alright so here we are at the

computer, i'm on this is goingto be a test without the special cable we just made. let's zoom in a little bit so youcan see. i'm going to pick the closest server and let's see how this works out. alright. as you can see it's about 13 megabits per second down, looks like it's going to be aboutone point three, one point four megabits up. alright so here we have our base test, thisis without the special cable now i'm going to go and replace the other cable real quick.alright so this is going to be with the new cable.

look at the difference.

color code for fiber optic cable

twenty fiveverse last time it was about thirteen. and look at the difference in the upload speed.huge difference. alright so that's it that's all you need to know how to double your internetspeed. leave a comment, let me know how it works, and subscribe, like the video, allthat good stuff. see ya till next time.

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