so, i want you to take a second and look aroundand take note of the shirts that most men are wearing. most men are going to be wearingt-shirts, maybe if they're in an office environment they're wearing dress shirts.but how do they fit, how do they look, and what other options could be out there?guys, most men do not wear shirts that flatter them or look great. in today's video, i'mgoing to lay out the seven different types
solid color shirts for women, of shirts that should be in every man'swardrobe and the key to looking great in each of them. two quick points before i get into the seven types of shirts that every man should havein his wardrobe. number one, gentlemen, is know the style pyramid; fit, fabric, and function.every shirt that i'm talking about you want
to get adjusted to fit you, you've got toknow the name of your tailor. the fabric, buy the best fabric you can, the difference -- there's a wide range of fabrics out there and that's beyond thisvideo for me to cover that. go check out my website, real mean real style. we've gotglossaries of fabrics, we've got infographics on fabrics, so that you can best understandthat. finally, function. make sure you're wearingthe right shirt to the right event. i can talk about t-shirts and how they can lookgreat on certain men, but if you wear that to a business event, you're wearing thewrong shirt to the wrong event. next, gentlemen, i want to let you know thisvideo is brought to you by vincero. an amazing
watch company i've been working with forquite a while now and i can tell you beautiful watches at a great price. in fact, when youget this watch, you're going to say, wow, this thing could go for ten times that. andthat's what the founder set out to do. now, i'm going to put a discount code rightdown in the description you can use. and this thing isn't going to be around forever likemany of the deals i talk about. they're up for a limited time, so make sure to gograb it. now, there's different collections out thereand i want you guys to go look. i love this one right here the silver with the blue face.this was my personal favorite, but there are many other options out there. this one righthere with the black oh, and by the way,
i've got some extras, so go visit theirwebsite. let me know what shirt you would match withwhat watch and be specific about the watch. put it down in the comments and, guys, we'regoing to go through we're going to choose a few ones, i need to get these out.i also want to point out, gentlemen this will make a great gift. i love the packaging, ithought it was very elegant very simple, yet beautiful. use that discount code, it'snot going to be around forever and without further ado, gents, let's get into the contentof this video. essential shirt number one, the the name implies, you wear this under other shirt. it is there for protection. it'salso there for a bit of modesty. let's say
you get a little bit of erect nipples whereyou don't have to show the world. it's also there if you have a lot of hair on yourchest, you can wear a crew neck and they'll keep it basically in, when we look at the various styles of the undershirts out there, overall we'regoing to see lighter materials and a bit of stretch is okay in an undershirt. this ismade to fit closer to the body. now, the different neck styles, we're going to see a v, we'regoing to see a crew, we're also going to see a sleeveless type of, i'm not a big fan of the sleeveless. i don't think it does really great for sweatprotection which for me is the main job of an undershirt, but it does, you know, it providesa little bit of modesty protection and things
like that if that's what you're lookingfor. but, in general, guys, with the undershirt, remember, you wear this under shirt. it isnot outerwear and that's the best way to look good and undershirt is not to wear itout in public. essential shirt number two, gentlemen, thet-shirt. the difference between an undershirt and a t-shirt, a t-shirt is made to be wornas outerwear. now, there are number of also specific differences in the t-shirt, it'sgoing to be made from a heavier weight fabric. you're going to see oftentimes just thecrease of the crew neck or the v-neck. overall, the fit of the t-shirt is going to be looserthan an undershirt. it's not necessarily made to be layered like an undershirt is andlet me give you some examples.
so, this right here the classic white t-shirtmade from a heavier weight fabric. now, you want to also focus in on the fit, you don'twant to go for anything too loose anything too big on you. so, there are some t-shirtslike this one right here. this would be a closer fit than the other one i just showed.this one also has a v-neck if you can see that. now, this one right here made from alighter weight material, but it's not transparent, so this is still a t-shirt, it also has thev-neck. now, the brighter color is going to make it,you know, it was a t-shirt, so it's always going to be casual, but that makes it definitelysuper casual. now, you're going to start to see logos especially, you know, thingslike this. anyone know that company? you're
also going to see ones that decide to go withsayings. people want to, you know, pass their messages on. anyone recognize this youtubechannel? in general, i really like a dark-colored solidt-shirt that has a great fit. i think it can be fine for outerwear, it definitely can bedressed up dressed down, but that's for another video. but, understand, gentlemen,a t-shirt it's key to get the fit right. you -- it's not worth getting them, find a brand find the right size for you and own it.essential shirt number three, the polo and the henley. now, did you actually know thatthe henley is a polo without the collar. so, that's why i have them together. now, thedistinctive feature of a polo shirt is actually
the buttons do not go all the way down. oftentimesyou'll see three buttons, sometimes four buttons, sometimes only two. but, whateverit is, it's never going to go all the way addition, it's going to have oftentimes a very soft collar. so, this is differentthan any other dress shirt out there. it's not a dress shirt because when you look atthe overall build of the collar, this is one that is not made with much, also, the material the fabric used, you're going to see a wide range some of them, butin general what we're looking for is something that's breathable, something that in somecases has a little bit almost like a gauze weave. other times you're going to see alittle bit of a napped very soft weave, but
what we're looking for is the polo and thehenley in general, both of these have athletic origins, hence the name of the shirt the poloshirt. now, this is great shirt. i think it lookswell on men that are in shape, the same with the t-shirt same with the polo. these shirtshave no structure they can't build up your shoulders. they are going to show your bodyas it is. so, if you have a thin build, if you have an athletic build, if you have amuscular build, these shirts are great for you. but, if you don't, if you have a littlebit of, you know, weight around the mid-section, you're going to love the shirts we'reabout to get into. essential shirt number four, the casual buttondown. of all the shirts i'm going to talk
about, gentlemen, i think this one shouldmake up the majority of your shirt wardrobe. why? because it's so versatile. there areso many options so many ways you can take the shirt whether it'd be the color, whetherit'd be patterns, whether it'd be the style details that you change up in just have to get creative. look at safari shirts, look at all the detailsthere from the double-breast pockets to the epaulettes on the shoulders. it could justsimply you go with the heavier weight fabric. this one right here, classic oxford patternright in here, it's got the blue with the white the thicker heavier fabric doesn'thave pockets on the chest, it doesn't have epaulettes, nothing fancy on the fact, if you look at this, you would may
be think it's a dress shirt, but it'sthe fabric that betrays it that quickly tells me, no, this is a casual button down becausethe fabric is too heavy, it's not made to necessarily be layered under a suit. but that'sthe distinctive feature of the casual button down is it is actually made to be worn asouterwear. dress shirts are actually made to be layered. so, that's one of the keydifferences and hence where you see lighter weight fabrics there.but, getting into the style details, another thing you'll notice a lot of casual buttondowns, they're going to be darker in color. this is because, again, they're outerwearmade to be perhaps worked in, made to be something that it can take a little bit of a stain andno one notice. this one's got a pocket and
you may have seen me wear this one in othervideos. it's got a pocket over on the left side not on the right side, so that smallstyle detail is small, but it instantly gets it to stand out, it's a flat pocket tooby the way. we've also got the contrasting buttons.notice this, you're not always going to see this dress shirts are going to try tostay away from this because it's going to make the shirt less formal. also, a lot ofthese casual button downs can be made to be worn untucked. dress shirts in general needto be tucked in, but casual button downs you can wear untucked.essential shirt number five, the dress shirt. so, the dress shirt is a shirt that we'reall familiar with, but many of us are actually
confused as to actually how to define it,what makes a dress shirt and where the line is drawn between dress shirts, casual buttondowns, and other types of shirts out there. so, in general a dress shirt is made to beworn with a jacket. so, a suit, a sports jacket, or a blazer, but it's made to be layeredon top of, thus the focus is in on the collar and on the cuffs. they need to be structuredthey need to be able to be ironed. the fabrics in general are going to be able to beable to take starch, are going to be able to form a rigid type of look, and this isall because that is that's their goal is to basically frame the face, frame the handsand work well with a jacket. white is where it started. the idea with whiteis that, okay, if you got this dirty, you
had to get it washed. it was a class separationbecause those that simply worked in the field, they wore indigo, blue with their clothingbecause it hid stains, white does not hide stains. you've got to have money, you'vegot to have multiple sets of clothes and it's kind of expanded out, but you can also bringin lighter color blues. you can bring in a wide range of other pastel colors as well,but lighter color blue is probably one of the more acceptable ones. then, you can startto bring in patterns. look at this right here. so, it has a widebase with a it's got a blue dark blue with a lighter blue with a dark blueover it. it's a little bit of a complicated, but a classic pattern. this right here youcould still wear in a business environment.
wear it with a power tie, with a dark navysuit, it's going to be a great look. but instantly we're starting to bring alittle bit of pattern, it's getting away from the white shirt origins. this one righthere has a small repeating pattern, it is now a mid-level blue, not a dark blue nota light blue, but this right here definitely is something i could wear in a business environment,it would look fine. the formality is starting to go down as i'm moving.notice this one right here. this is actually a dress shirt. now, it's made in a fashionforward color. this was a custom-shirt i had made, the lavender color really sets it apart.i would need to wear this maybe with a charcoal gray suit, maybe a green tie or somethinglike that and that would work.
but, right here we're starting to get intothe realm of, okay, are these really dress shirts? and that's what interesting as yougo into a store even a finer menswear store and you think you're looking at a dressshirt, but then you start to question, well, look at, you know, it's got this bold patternor it's got the buttons here on the collar. guys, understand that you want to go for somethingsimple and remember, how is it going to help frame the jacket. that's the key job ofa dress shirt. essential shirt number six to have in yourwardrobe, gentlemen is the sweatshirt. so, a lot of people think that the sweatshirtfalls under sweaters and therefore, it's not in the shirt family. not true. actually,sweaters are in the shirt family, therefore
so are sweatshirts. and when you look at theword sweatshirts, so it's associated with athletic activity going out and working.i've got about two sweatshirts that i wear almost all the time when i'm outdoor -- wheni'm out here working in wisconsin during the cooler weather. an essential shirt, butone that definitely is in the casual sphere. essential shirt style number seven, the shirtjacket. so, the shirt jacket is kind of a hybrid. it's really a shell that protectsyou from the wind, a little bit maybe from the rain, but it is a lightweight's something that you're made to be layered with so you can take some of the othershirts that we talked about maybe the t-shirt, maybe take a henley and wear them underneaththis one right here.
but, what i love about this is it's justfunctional especially if you are a guy that's going to be working in and around your want something that you can throw on, it's not that cold for a jacket and youwant you basically want to give yourself a little bit more protection. the key characteristicsof this are going to be the heavier weight yarn, thus the heavier weight overall fabric.that right there, it's going to be tough, it's going to be usually made from cotton,so you can take this as a shell you want to be able to wash this. it's not going tograb snags, so oftentimes i know i'm pulling the air conditioners out of my windows atmy house. so, when i'm doing that, hey, you've got a lot of sharp things in andaround here. this is the type of shirt that
you want to be using.all right, gentlemen. now, it's your turn. let me know in the comments what did i miss,what should i have had. i know i didn't talk about camp shirts, i didn't talk about[liebherrs], i didn't talk about baseball shirts and tuxedo shirts. i probably couldhave add them, but i wanted to give you guys a little bit of room to be able to tell me,antonio, i agree with this or i disagree. and, don't forget, go in the comments, letme know which if the vincero watches you would love to have sent to you because i've gota couple extras. and if you really want to win, tell me exactly which one from theirwebsite and what shirt you would wear it with. be specific. i love when people paint me thesedetails. you are envisioning what can be and

that's where greatness starts men whereyou can actually start to see how you can use this to you advantage, how you can takewatches how you can take shirts, you can take jackets, you can use clothing as a weaponto get what you want out of life. gentlemen, that's it. i'll see you inthe next video. take care.