loreal hair color ammonia free shades

hi, guys. i'm tina from the channelmakeup wearables hairstyles, and today i'm the guestvlogger here on clairol. if you guys came herefrom my own channel first, thank you guys so much for being here.

loreal hair color ammonia free shades, let me know who you are byleaving your comment below and be sure to subscribeto clairol's channel to see another amazingdo-it-yourself hair tutorials. so in the first tutorial i usedthe clairol age defy hair color

to color my stubborn grays. and if you've never heardof age defy hair color, then you're in for a complete shockbecause i cannot-- no, i mean truly-- i cannot recommend thiscolor to you guys enough. i'll go even as far as saying that thisis beyond better than professional hair colors that i've used in the past. the color is so richlypigmented and hydrating, and the way makes your hair shine. you guys just have to go to try it.

then come back here andlet me know your results because you're going to be thanking me. all right. so about my ends, i'm going to use theclairol natural instincts in the color number six, to darken and thenneutralize some of the brassiness that i have. but i might use something else nexttime because this comes in 41 colors. i mean can you guys imagine-- 41colors that you could play with. so here are my ends.

it is brassy, but what iwant you guys to take note of is how flat my hair is here. the brightness is the samefrom the top to the bottom. so what i want to dois show you guys how to apply the natural instinct sothat your hair has dimensions in it. we'll just call this the haircolor contouring tutorial. there are so many ways youcan use the natural instincts, but today i'm going to usethe number six like a toner so that we can killsome of the brassiness

to create a warm caramel brown color. but if you hair islooking ashy right now, then you'll need a different color sobe sure to check the back of the box to see your own resultsbefore doing this. all right, so let's get started. make sure you do the allergytest for this, as well. i just do both at once so thati don't have to worry about it. we've got to do this on damphair, so if your hair is dry you should go dampen itnow and then bring back

a wide-tooth comb and a hairclip for this next step. and here's how we're going to mix this. we're going to put on the gloveshere, remove the top from the color activating cream, and pour the colorenhancing colorant into it and mix. and we're going to do this in sections,that's why i said to bring a clip. but first, comb your hair and clipup all the hair above your ears. we're going to do this byapplying it from the roots to the middle of yourhair first all the way. so we're going to spreadthe dye onto our hair,

then comb it through and repeat. make sure you don't getthis on your ends, though. and i love how this is an ammonia-freedye because it's not as damaging. and when you're done applyingthe color from the roots to the middle of your hairwe're going to leave it in the hair for about five minutes. then run the color through allthe way for three minutes and you have to make sure you combit through, all right? so in total i left this in myhair for about eight minutes.

but remember, we all havedifferent hair color so keep checking every single minute tosee how light or dark it looks to you. you know what you guys can do? you can take a littlebit of hair at the ends and rinse off just tosee what it looks like. if it's too dark, well, thankgod it's not permanent color. but if it's too light, you canalways keep it in a little longer. and after you rinse everything off we'regoing to apply the color true condition and leave it in for abouttwo to five minutes.

and do you guys see this? this is the color refresheryou can use in two weeks. again, you have to theallergy test and you leave it in your hair for aboutfive to 10 minutes. and we're done. you can use the sametechnique i showed you today with other clairol colors and formulas.

loreal hair color ammonia free shades

so be sure to have fun and get ascreative as you want with your hair and i'll see you guysagain next thursday.

bye. [music playing]

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