what week can i dye my hair during pregnancy?they say you should avoid anything unnatural and even a lot of over the counter drugs,so where does hair dye fall in that spectrum? the stereotype of the crazy old lady is thoughtto come from all the curl relaxers and perms they use over the years. i’m just thinking of a touch up, not a fancyperm.
professional ammonia free hair color brands, hair dye doesn’t really get into your bodyif you use it correctly. if you dye your own hair, use gloves. i usually go to the hair stylist for the dyejob. go for a minimal dye job so that the dye isin your hair as short a time as possible.
then rinse your head as soon as possible. i’ve heard you shouldn’t do it while thebaby is growing. as with all developmental defects, the dangeris greatest in the first trimester. if you have concerns, don’t get your hair dyeduntil the second or third trimester. i’ve heard people say pregnancy messes uphair styles. the hormones affect everything from your skinto your hair. because of the texture changes while pregnant, you could get a differenttone on the newer hair. then i’ll have to tell her to stay awayfrom my scalp. or dye the hair your natural color and leaveit alone for until after the baby is born.
that’s a radical change. you could consider it going au natural. except that i’d look totally different. you’re pregnant. that’s to be expected. i could avoid the hair dyes with ammonia,since that is toxic. how do you know? i have a list of cleaning chemicals to stayaway from. and ammonia is in some professional
hair coloring products. going back to your natural hair color hasanother advantage. then you’ll look fine
even if you don’t have time to dye it afteryou have the baby. that’s what i’ll do when i need time awayfrom the baby.