in this clip we're going to talk about howto mix permanent hair color. permanent hair color lifts color off of the hair and it becomespermanent. and what we're going to talk about here is different types also. we have creamcolors and they're in tubes. and it's usually a white cream that you see when their in thetube. ok and we're going to show you in a minute when i mix it. we also have liquidcolors out there that you mix equal parts
powder color for hair roots, or depending on the company their own instructionson how to mix it. usually it's equal parts and you mix a liquid in a bottle and you shakeit and then you apply it on the hair. there's also different ways to shake the color, thepermanent hair color. we can use mixers like this, bowl and brush or we can actually uselike i said a liquid, for liquid use a bottle.
ok so i'm going to show you right now howto mix this permanent hair color which is in a tube and it's creamy. this company hascc's that you mix in, it's five cc's so it's every increment here, every line that yousee here is ten cc's. ok. i'm going to mix thirty cc's which would be about an ounceof color. ok. you need your key here to turn that and mix it with that brush now in a minute.after we go ahead and take this some developer here and we're going to use twenty volumedeveloper, you can use any kind of developer. in this company you can use from five to fortydepending on how much lift you want in your hair color, in your permanent hair color.usually permanent hair color you need at least twenty ok. so let's go ahead and mix would be also with this company, is actually
they want you to do the tube here, they wantyou to use an ounce but with them they want you to use about two ounces of you'll see that they, sometimes they'll say an ounce to ounce which is equal partsor they'll say an ounce of color to two ounces of developer. ok. cc's would be thirty cc'sto sixty cc's. we're going to go ahead and mix the color first really well, nice andcreamy in the bowl. they also have whisks
now that you can use and you see them, itlooks like in cooking you use but you'll have like a whisk. and there you go you mix it,little bit at a time please. nice and creamy, make sure it's not lumpy when you are mixingit ok cause then it doesn't take well on the hair or takes different colors on the hairso you want to go ahead and do that.