(soft instrumental music) - as far as my eyes go, i feel like people don't really pay them any mind. - i've never gotten anycompliments on my eyes. - i always feel invisiblewith my blue eyes.
shadow colors for blue eyes, i feel really clear looking. (logo whooshes)(hinge squeaks) - i've totally wanted to try blue eyes. playing with color is always cool.
- growing up in the south,like having light skin, light eyes is very celebrated so growing up, i alwayswanted to have light eyes. - i'm the only one in myfamily that has blue eyes. i have six siblings. i always wanted brown eyesjust 'cause everybody else in my family has them. - today what we're going to do is change the eye color of three different patients.
now the fitting of contactlenses, whether they be just purely for cosmetic purposes or for the correction of vision, it's still a medical deviceand one needs to be examined by an eye doctor to be fit appropriately. - i'm going to be trying blue eyes. - i'm going to be trying out green eyes. - and i'm going to be trying brown eyes. - so kane, we've got both lenses in now.
(kane sighs heavily)check it out. - [kane] whoa! - oh my geez! - [kuwilileni] whoa! - it feels like i putsomeone's eyeball into my head. - who am i? - i expected to hate this,but actually kind of love it. - i feel like the reactionis going to be positive because it's such a cool thing to change.
- i am a little bit nervousabout wearing colored contacts 'cause i'm worried that people will think that i don't think that my own brown eyes, as they are, are beautiful enough. - i assume people willnotice that something on my face is darker. the guy who helped me putthe lenses in was like, "you look like a completelydifferent person." i do look like the rest of my family.
- i feel just like augmentingone part of my body has made me feel like more beautiful. i think i'm going to become really vain, like even now i'm like, "hey, girl." - i look less like a cyborgtoday and more like a cat. - so i just put 'em infor the second time. i feel like i've acclimated to them and they just look like mynormal eyes but they kinda hurt. i don't understand howpeople do this every morning.
- i feel like a lot bolder. i like being another person. i feel like people look at me different. - whoa, you look like a demon.(whimsical instrumental music) - i don't know what myboyfriend will feel, like will he dump me? i don't know, we'll see. - whoa. i'm very used to you with the blue eyes.
i don't know, they're like piercing. - say some people sometime to get used to it but, yeah, i totally dig it. - you look like a mutant from x-men. - they're entrancing, i'm entranced. - i think it's going tobe weird for my boyfriend. - is this a trick? - [kane] do you noticesomething different? my eyes?
- uh-huh, yeah, your eyes are different. ah, nu-uh! (laughs) are they blue? - [kane] yeah.(laughs) - oh my gosh! - one of the things i'venoticed about wearing them is i'm always wondering ifpeople are going to notice. - they kind of fit. - they're like brighter, itlike hits you in the face.
- ah, gotcha! going in the trash! bye, no more contacts. i enjoyed the experience a lot, of just seeing what i would look like but it was a lot of torture to get there. - i was shocked when i put them in that i actually liked them. i was apprehensive becausehaving come into myself
and really celebrating and loving myself, i was afraid society wouldthink that i was trying to hide my african heritage. - it totally made my dreams come true. do i look like a part of my family now? i think they're like, "finally." - one of the most powerfullessons i've learned in life is living your body as it is,as it changes, as it grows, like loving it for what it is.

- and once i died, themortician will be like, "oh, this is weird," like, (hacks) "this 90-year-old woman hascontacts in." (chuckles)