all right guys here we are with all ourstuff in admitting waiting for mary's room to be ready [intro music] don't forget the laugh every day good morning hey guys it's a sunny day
service dog vest colors meanings, and i've done my vest and mists andexercised and talked to the hospital and admission is still at 5pm so we're justenjoying the day until we go yepand we need to do my port and i'mdoing my nails right now the necessities; yes; we got a bagalmost packed
olly boy's ready to go we are enjoying the outdoors sunshine sorry for the wind it's amazing out here; yeah; and i saw thattomorrow is going to be rain and i'm like yes because i'll be in the hospitaland i won't be missing any sun outside yeah; hi there bonesy; mary's got her power pants on these're my power pants they make me feel like yeah so we are leaving for the hospital inlike probably 45 minutes so we're just soaking up the sun before we go and wehad some lunch and that's - excuse me - that's what's up
all right next on the pre-hospitalchecklist is accessing mary's port i walked into the bedroom to get a fewthings packed and i was coughing and gagging and just like, oh my brain isready to do the things and get them done but my lungs are not, so i am going to lay here and get a needle in my chest oh yeahhere we go, let's do youtube magic ready wha la there we go, so now we are finishing justgetting all the stuff together and we will be on our way to the hospital
onwardshe didn't even feel it oh yeah the first in 11 years with thisport i'm pretty sure that's a first that idid not feel the needle go in i had my eyes closed and i was likeclenching because i felt like it was going to be a painful one and i didn't feel it and i opened my eyesand he was done like what, and i'm just gonna go ahead andreport that i already have a slight headache i'm not sure what that's from but i'mjust
like obviously it's not very bad rightnow and i'm fine with that but when i start coughing it's going to get worseand then we'll see what those pesky ivs do to me but for now i am still maryi will still be mary then i just might be curled up in the fetal positionon the hospital bed mary but mostly who knows maybe this time it won't happen all right here's the hospital squadlet's go so we're on our way and i just had athought i'm gonna get a bunch of questions why am i in a children'shospital so there's the adult cystic fibrosis centre where i go is held in achildren's hospital for
clinic and for admission the young adults are in their for admissionright i think up until age 36 or something like that for cf patient's so my adult mydoctors are trained in adult medicine so they're noti'm not being seen by pediatricians but anyway so that's why i'm in achildren's hospital and i actually love it i love the bright colors and i lovethe staff and i also appreciate it becausepeter stays with me so because it's a children's hospitalthey have like a bench for parents to
sleep on in the room which is you knowit's a bench but it's better than like one of those chairs that reclines, so comfortableor doesn't recline yeah so it is much better i remember atthe brigham because mary used to be before they made like the young adultprogram at children she used to be at the brigham an adult hospital that's connected and i would sleep inone of those like sit up chairs yeah anyway we're thankful to be in thechildren's hospital he's just relaxing on the ride
oh yeah he stepped into the pool hestepped onto the step just kind of stood there and then he stepped onto the lowerstep and walked out a little bit a couple times he kind of slipped andgot a little more wet but basically was just up to his chest and belly basically and so he'salready dried off and ready to work so that's good right guys here we are withall our stuff in admitting, waiting for mary's room to be ready the headache though alright so we're spending a lot of timewaiting for mary's room to get ready and
across the whole wall from us is likethe history of boston children's hospital it's pretty cool so we are here, we got in the room and ijust ordered the food before it's too late you have to call before six-thirty so we got the voucher for downstairs andthen i ordered like fruit and veggies raw stuff to bring up to the room andalso some bottled water because i need to stay hydrated so my kidneys stay happy during ivs yeah big time ivs so she talked to her doctor while we were waiting in admitting and we basically right nowit's just going to be you know doing
chest x-ray and getting the ivsstarted and that sort of stuff and then i'm guessing tomorrow we'll see thespecialist like the ent and talk to the gi people about hopefully doing well we'll find out if we're going to dothe sinus surgery and then decide about doing the endoscopy it's an upper endoscopyy where they put thecamera down your throat so but you you're supposed to be asleep for it one time not at this hospital they triedto put me to sleep and i
was awake the whole time and they putthe tube down and i'm like *gagging* well i was like drowsy weird feeling but anyway they were like mary you canbreathe it's okay but it was not fun we have arri-ivedwe already told the we arrivedlook at the shadow this one's all comfy and we're just hanging out oops this room is decorated for someone else charlie bit my finger so
you know what we could to babe; what?; you could go home and make some vinyl wall decals that say the frey life, giant across thetop and we remove charlie's apparently they leave it up so yeah free advertisingare you cold yeah the air conditioner blowing i turned the heat, the ac down but still blowing ok see you later. so two of my nursepractitioners just came in and we talked through the plan and everybody's onboard with everybody else so we're good and my food order just arrived i'vegot a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies and um, what else you were maybe going to say this but you can be creative
mary was creative like these are likenormally wouldn't be like listed on the menu as like a veggie platter but shemade her own and ordered ranchyeah the woman was like you want ranch with that and i was like what a good idea and then we usedcf patients at my hospital are allowed to use their meal ticket basically i mean you can call down andget whatever food you want but it's like cafeteria food or you can get thevoucher for downstairs and if you have someone staying with you who can godownstairs to get it you can get like real food and real drinks and it doesn'tcome with a sputum cup but if you want
one they might give you but yeah so we got some pizza and somecheese and crackers and grapes and delish and my nurse practitioners are so sweetand they came in and they love oliver so i was like go ahead olly go say hiand he had his front feet up here and he was just resting here as little backlegs were down there and they were just like scratching his neck and his littletail was wagging and he just like oh yeah and that was really sweet so i'm really thankful for him
olly thanks for being here today; hmm; thanksfor being here with us did you meet all those friends,so sweet you can just take a breakhe's like really? really? shall i go run i'm sorry i was kidding but later youand peter will yeah but for a while you can just take anap here you want to put your head down ok this is the cooler he can carry he carried it in just for a little bitwhen we were walking up but it's like
the perfect size for him so he's likei'm carrying my weight guys i'm doing this all right we're going to get some pizzaand i think i'm doing a chest x-ray and x-ray of my abdomen tonight and i thinkan ekg maybe and starting ivs so we'll have a potentially busy night but it'll begood i think tomorrow the sinus doctor'scoming innice okay i'm going to eat because i think ihave a twinge of hungerall right and now it's time for somebody else's dinner bon appetit olly. all right so oliverand peter are out going to the bathroom, i think onlyolly's going to go to the bathroom
outside though and my nurse just came inwe're just getting everything set and i'm about to go down for the x-rays and andthen whenever the iv meds get here we'll start those and i just took some tylenolto try to keep this headache at bay i guess but we'll see and i'm doing really good on drinking water that's something that's like a visuallike yes i did that all my empty cups and bottles of water and the idea is tokeep my kidneys safer as all these drugs are going in and all that so it's almost9pm and see what happens next okay we just got back from x-rays should show them what it looks like from a
service dog perspectiveok here you go i still have not gotten any iv meds yet so my head is still hurting but nothorribly tylenol didn't seem to help anyway the plan continues bye.i was thinking maybe i'd play a joke and be like mah, but i'm still fine
yep she just finished her firstdoses of aztreonam and cipro iv and so far so good just took a bath and i already took my medicines, so i am ready for dreamland

so thanks for coming along with us tothe hospital if you had a fun day at the hospital please give us a thumbs up and as always we will see you tomorrowgood night. [outro & audio from last years vlog]