in this clip we're going to speak about howto mix bleach for hair highlighting. we have different types of bleaches, there is manyforms of them. and in company, in this company specifically they have a cream bleach. theyhave powdered bleaches and i'm going to teach you how to mix these different bleaches. nowlet’s take a powder bleach for example. and you can mix powdered bleach, thick oryou can mix a powdered bleach very thin, make
wella koleston color chart online, it look watery. if you mix the bleach thickerthen you're going to have highlights come up faster. if you mix it a little more wateryyour highlights will take longer to process. ok so in this clip here i'm showing you this,one scoop of bleach and then i'm going to measure twenty volume because they requiretwenty volume. you can use ten or five in
some companies. this company requires twentyvolume. i will mix an ounce at a time in this bowl. and i'm going to show you, that's verydusty. some bleach is white and some of them are blue. there are companies that have evenbeige bleach and stuff. so like i said everybody has their own bleach and their system. noticehow that bleach is thick. bleach is thick, it's not moving on that brush. i want to showyou example of it being very thick. we're going to make it more watery now. ok. looser,see that bleach is now looser, looser bleach ok. moves around it's loose. ok. this bleachas you see the more watery you want it the more developer we'll have to put in the bowlfor it to be even more watery, you'll have more liquid. it will look a lighter and asyou see it becomes liquidly and creamy. so
now it drips as you have it in the bowl. itdrips out. another type of bleach we use is a cream bleach and the cream bleach is a highlyconditioned. has a lot of conditioner in it i should say. and as you see, see it's creamy,it's not like the powder. it's a little bit

different. so i'm going to use an ounce ofthis bleach if i'm going to use it, it's an ounce but i'm just going to show you whatit looks like. you see it has like a conditioner in it like an oil and it's creamy. ok so italready comes out of the tube just like this and you will mix and equal parts ok. one ounceof developer, one ounce of bleach.