men's suit color video guide - charcoal - lightgrey - navy blue - black - brown - tan – white hi. i’m antonio centeno, the founder ofreal men real style. and today i’m going to talking about suit colors. not suit style,not suit cut, not suit patterns, just suit color. so oftentimes i'm asked, “what is -- ifi'm going to own one suit what is the one
wedding suit colors for groom, color? what is the fabric that i should select?â€and my answer, the vast majority of the time is charcoal grey. charcoal grey is probably the most versatilesuit color on the planet. you can wear it to a funeral, you can wear it to a weddingin the same day. you can wear it to a job
interview. it's just dark, it's not fact it's -- some people will mistake it for black. but when you’re out in the light,especially natural light, you’re going to be able to see that it is lighter than black. and because of that, it doesn’t have asmany of the problems with black, that black has being so stark. and charcoal grey, itjust goes with so many shirt colors, so many shirts -- so many patterns, textures of fabrics.charcoal grey in a worsted wool fabric is the most versatile suit fabric. and one thati highly recommend if you're going to go -- and this is going to be your first suit. now, the one right behind it and because it'sso common, especially in north america, is
navy blue. now, navy blue can have the effectof, especially on young men, it can make them look younger. although this isn’t alwaysa bad thing if you're a little bit older. and navy blue isn’t as formal as charcoalgrey, but throughout north american and many parts, i would say most of the world, a navyblue suit is going to get make you buy it. and i would say it comes very close next tocharcoal grey. so if you have a navy blue suit or if youhappen to choose between two suits and the navy blue fits you better, not a problem,go with the navy blue. it’s going to be just – just a tad bit less versatile buti'm splitting hairs here. so charcoal grey, navy blue easily the two suits that i, 99%of the time, recommend as the first suit for
a man wherever he comes to me looking forsomething like that. okay. what are the other fabric colors thatyou need to be looking out for and to understand them? black. black is very common. but thatdoesn’t mean that it should be. and black i think is overused. black is great if you have black hair andyou have a dark-colored skin. i think a black suit on a man like that looks great. but ifyou have a light-colored skin and light-colored hair, black can be easily overpowering. andblack comes from the history of more -- you see it in formal wear. and it transitionedinto suits and many people out there will argue that black is not there for a good choicefor a suit and should be reserved for formal
wear. i'm not that stark on that but i dobelieve that if you've got a choice, go with the navy or charcoal grey before you go withblack. and again black for me is more for men witha black hair because it better frames the face. and it's not overpowering especiallyif you got a little bit darker skin, then it’s not going to suck the color out ofyou. because it’s got such a stark contrast between the skin, black can, especially underunnatural lighting, suck, you know a little bit of the color out of skin. it just doesn’tlook always that great. but after black, medium grey. this is somethingthat i see as underused. and i'm not saying that, if you already owned a charcoal greyor navy blue suit, a medium grey is a great
second or third or fourth suit. and so mediumgrey, cambridge grey it’s sometimes called, is going to be -- you can clearly tell thisis great under all types of lighting. and medium greys are great because they'renot as formal as charcoal greys; but for most business settings and, you know, even forweddings, especially ones that are outside, medium grey fits great. and because grey issuch a neutral palate, it’s going to go with a wide range of shirts. so like the navyand like the charcoal grey, medium grey can pretty much match-up with a wide range ofshirts. so it's so very versatile. so going for medium grey, you can look atlight greys as well. light greys are great for summer wear. and the lighter color -- andagain the very neutral palate makes it match
a wide range of shirts and the lighter colorallows it to just to feel right when it comes to cold weather [0:04:34] wear. you can -- ilike a light grey suit with – that’s unlined. and what i mean by unlined is that the jacketdoesn’t have an inner lining. and this works really nice whenever the weather is hot andit allows you to breathe a bit more. so that’s the light grey. again i really like it fora summer wear not so much for the winter wear. when we’re talking about summer wear, let'stalk about tan. tan is another fabric that if… …you're in tropical area you want to gofor a lighter weight and tan is great because it’s going to stand out. and it is prettyneutral palate that’s going to go with a
wide range of shirt fabrics. and tan in generalis – it’s harder to find, but it is going to suit many men. there are certain types of, especially ifyou wear it with a dark-colored suit, it maybe you know, it can create stark contrast there,which maybe a bit overpowering for men with light hair and light skin. but if you pairit with a light-colored pattern shirt, then all of a sudden, you’ve got a great combinationthat even a red-headed man -- or i'm sorry – yes, a man was red hair and with lightskin, he can pull it off. all right, after tan let's look at brown.we’re staying in the same family. brown has some negatives connotations with it. itwas said, i think winston churchill, you know,
brown looks like – well, not -- i’m onyoutube here so i can't say the yes word. but you know he did not like it. and therewas – you’ll also hear the saying, “no brown in town.†well, ronald reagan brought back the brownsuit. he was the big fan of it. and if you look around, i looked good on a brown suitsimply because i have very dark brown hair. and if you can mimic that in your suit andyou’ve got brown hair, you’ll look fine. black hair, not so much. light-colored hairs,not so much. i like brown because it -- the color in general instills a sense of trust.and i find that if you’re in the business, for a second or third meeting, wearing a brownsuit works well. it's a little bit off the
beaten path, it helps you stand out. so moving from brown we’ll talk about blue.and i already know, i know i already talked about navy blue. i'm talking about a trueblue. so this is a blue under different lighting conditions that it will look blue, such askind of my suit here. this one actually has a little bit of pattern in it but you willclearly see this is a blue suit. blues were great especially for odd jackets.but when it comes to suits, they're going to stay out a bit especially when you’rein a sea of navy, you’re not going to be able to see that blue. i like blue suits.i think they make men look younger but they should be, probably a third or fourth suit,not one of your top two. unless you’re in
europe, then you get – i think that canbe a second suit. all right. so in summary, we’ve talked aboutcharcoal grey, we’ve talked about navy blue, we’ve talked about black, we covered mediumgrey, we covered light grey, we covered tan, we covered brown and we covered blue. and i didn’t really talk about white. andin just quick summary, go look up tom wolfe.

white is something that you really need toknow what you’re doing and i guess -- unless you’re getting invited to one of puff daddy'sparties, you're not going to be wearing a white suit very often. if you ever do, wearit in a summer, make sure it fits. all right this has been antonio centeno withreal men real style. i'll see you around.