so, you're out there looking for a new job,you decided to switch industries, you want to try something new. you've only been out of school a decade, you'rein your mid-30's, and you're up there updating your linkedin profile going through checkingout everything it's like, god, this looks really good.
what color covers gray hair best, and then, you look at your picture and yourealized, wow, like i've been, you know, graying a little bit earlier, it runs in my family,but do i look am i sending the image i want to because i'm looking to get into the communicationindustry, i'm looking to go into a startup work for a high tech company out in siliconvalley and you look at yourself and i'm like,
ah, is this the image i want to send? in today's video, gents, we're going to talkabout should you cover your gray? in today's video, gents, i'm going to talkabout four advantages to covering up your gray, but i want to hear from you guys downin the comments if you disagree, if you agree, if you have something to add, let me knowi love learning from you guys. and, without further ado, let's get into thepoints. advantage number one of covering your gray,gentlemen, is you will look younger. so, let me pull up two pictures. same man same facial structure, look at everythingis pretty much the same except his hair color.
which color looks older? well, the vast vast majority of people aregoing to say the man with gray hair. but why do we assume that someone with grayhair is older? because look at the way that the hair playswith his skin tone. in general, gray hair is going to give ita cooler, a more pale type of skin tone often associated with people that are older. now, some of you guys may be saying, okay,antonio, so maybe i'm 25 maybe i'm 30 and i've got graying hair, why would i want toactually not like look older? well, let's say you're getting into an industrythat there is actually age is something.
yes, there are a lot of against this and weshouldn't do this, but we judge people based off of what we see. they're going onto linkedin, you are wantingto work for the startup. everyone at the startup is 25 to 30 yearsold and they are looking for someone that's going to fit into their company. you are 28 years old, ideal candidate, right? you've got all the qualifications, but whenthey look at your picture, what they noticed is, ah, this guy looks like he's in his late30's maybe in his late 40's. i don't think he's going to be a good fit.
boom! they pass over you. that opportunity is missed because you don'tlook the part. so, throughout this video i'm talking aboutthe why of covering up your gray. but, let's talk about how to actually coveryour gray. guys, i want to bring in the paid sponsorof this video, control gx. control gx is the first shampoo that graduallyreduces gray. it's a shampoo, so you just use it like younormally would until you like what you see. this generally takes about two to four weeks.
you then use it a few times a week to maintainthe look you want. it's simple, it's easy, and there are no shadeselections needed. basically, it's a universal shade that graduallyreduces gray and allows you to show as much or as little gray as you'd like. guys, it's best for light brown to black hair. to learn more about control gx, check outthe link in the description of this video. advantage number two for covering up yourhair, gentlemen is you start to feel younger. notice i didn't say you become younger. no, that's impossible.
this is more of like a placebo effect andthis is the way it works is that how we we have an emotional connection to how we seeourselves. and the way we see ourselves, every singleday you look in the mirror or maybe you're looking at yourself in a photograph, you'relooking at yourself in a video and you're with and around other people. so, there is a comparison there is a perceptionof not only how old you are, but how old you are in comparison to others among you peerseven though you're two years three years younger than these guys that you are constantly beingapproached as like, hey, you know, are you the oldest one here, you must be the old manof the group.
those things people say in jest, but theycan have an effect on you. so, all of a sudden when you start to coveryour gray you don't have that issue anymore, you're just, you know, everyone is like assumingyou're the same age as everyone else because you are, you don't have that older look andyou look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, you know, i like this look. so, guys, that's where it can have a psychologicaleffect on you. reason number three to cover up your gray,gentlemen, is that you don't have to adjust your wardrobe. let me explain what i mean by this.
so, let's say over the period of two years,your hair goes from a dark black to a salt and pepper type of look. so, definitely you've got a solid gray. one of the issues with this is that most ofthe colors in your wardrobe that you chose before you had this hair color change workedreally well probably and naturally with your darker colored hair. so, your navy shirts, your darker charcoalcolored suit, all of these stuff you love the way it look on you. it popped, it looked really great.
and when you look at yourself, the salt andpepper type of look, it just doesn't work as well. that's natural because your contrast betweenyour skin and you hair has actually shifted. now, you can go out there and rebuild yourwardrobe and run with this or you could actually cover up some of the gray and make sure thatyou continue to be able to wear what you want. reason number four to cover your hair, gentlemen,try something new. have fun. so many times we go through life and we don'tactually enjoy it. so, just try and see what happens, see ifpeople notice, see if you start to get compliments.
see, you know, see how it looks with the otherclothing in your wardrobe. try something new. all right, gentlemen. so, now it's your turn. let me know in the comments should a man coverhis gray. did i miss any points? do any of you guys have stories that you wouldlove to share? i would love to hear from you guys down inthe comments. i really appreciate you guys interacting withme.
i always try to get down in engagement withyou guys, but you guys have helped build up

my channel. i really appreciate your support. i'll see you in the next video. take care.