hello girls! today i' m gonna show you howto make your brown eyes really stand out. my favourite colors for this are purple and green. in the video iwill tell you why. in case you have blue eyes and you want toknow how to make them pop, click here and you will find out.ok, let's get started.
what color eye liner for brown eyes, first, i will take light green color and applyit in inner corner and half of lower lashline. green complements brown eyes well but color thatwill make them really pop, is purple, so we are applying it all
over the lid.depending on what tone of brown eyes you have, experiment with purple, blue ad green colors.i must say, almost every color looks good on brown eyes.in the outer half of lower lashline let's apply dark green. green is contrast with purplewill make this makeup really bright and fun.now i will just go over with similar color pigments to make the colors more intense.if i would go for simple daytime look, i would skip this.on brown eyes i love both purple and green and of course you can switch the color placementor use only one of those colors, you can do your eyelid naturaland just add some pop of color on the lower
lashline or colored eyeliner. try different versions and findwhich one looks on you best. it' s not only about your eyecolor, your skintoneaffects which colors look better on you aswell. i'm lining my eyes with black eyeliner becauseit doesnt matter what eye color you have, everyone loves thicker looking lashes.to make it a little bit softer, i'm smoking out this line with dark purple.now, all we have to do is curl our lashes and we are donethis is the finished look.

i hope you find this video helpful and didyou noticed that my eyes have changed their
color?it was actually really fun for me to try colored lenses cuz different eye color makes sucha huge difference. anyways, please subscribe, if you haven'talready and let's see you next week! bye bye!