[music] >>247inktoner: this video shows you how tochange the toner cartridges in your hp laserjet cp2025 printer. open up the front of the unitnot by this tray which is to hold the paper but by pulling down on this tray here whichopens up the front of the unit. the status display panel will flash a red light and sayfront door open. press down on the blue plastic
what color is cyan ink cartridge, button to release the cartridge tray thenpull out to access the cartridges. to take the toner cartridge out pick it up by theblack handle in front of the cartridge label. now take your new cartridge, pull off anyshipping tabs be careful not to touch the drum of the cartridge.and holding the cartridge by the black handle
drop it back into its slot. the black cartridgehas been changed. to change the cyan magenta and yellow cartridges you would perform thesesame steps. lift the cartridge out by the black handle, pull off the shipping tabs anddrop it back into its slot. you do the same for the magenta lift it out by the black handletake off any shipping tabs and drop it back into its slot. finally the yellow cartridgelift up by its black handle take off the shipping tabs and drop it into its slot.once you've replaced the cartridges, slide the tray back in and close the front doorof the unit. the printer should hum for a moment and the status display panel will say itsinitializing.
this can take up to a minute depending onhow many cartridges you have replaced. if you've only replaced one it will take a coupleseconds but if you've replaced all four cartridges

it could take a minute for each cartridgeto be recognized and initialized. the status display panel will confirm thatyour printer is ready to print when it displays the green light and the word ready. this completesthe video on how to change the toner cartridges in your hp laserjet cp2025 printer by 247inktoner.com[music]