what is a good sulfate free shampoo for colored hair

let me show you how you can wash your hair with ... rye flour. – not even kidding. hi there! yes, you've heard me right!

what is a good sulfate free shampoo for colored hair, i would like to present to you one of the – in my opinion – best no-poo methods out there ... but first let me give credits to 2 beautiful ladies here on youtube who have made videos in german about this method and inspired me to try it in the first place.

i will link to their videos on the screen right now. so ... all you really need is around 4 tablespoons of rye flour. i use organic wholemeal rye flour. but white rye flour will work as well. now, you don't wanna use other kinds of flour particularly those high in gluten! (like wheat) ... unless you like the idea of sticky dough in your hair. *ugh*

rye flour on the other hand – mixed with some cool or lukewarm water – will result in a really nice and smooth gel-like consistency ... that is actually not even that different from regular shampoo. if your tab water is rather hard you can also add a little bit of apple cider vinegar and/or do an acv rinse after washing your hair. i have heard different opinions on whether or not you need to let this mixture sit for something like an hour in order for it to really get the best consistency.

so ... i would suggest you just experiment for yourself. now, what is so great about the rye flour method is that i find that it really only absorbs excess oil without stripping your hair and scalp completely – yet still getting them actually clean. natural panthenol – among other vitamins and minerals found in rye – even has conditioning and soothing properties. what more can you ask for? then, when it's time, you just distribute the rye flour mixture thoroughly throughout your hair

and gently massage it in like you would your ordinary shampoo. ideally you give it a couple of minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water. if like me you don't wash your hair until it's decently greasy – which for me is after about a week – you might want to repeat one more time. for that i flipped my head upside down over the tub (off camera) because that is how i normally wash my hair anyways and i have a much easier time reaching the scalp on the back of my head as well. and i have to say: i disagree with people that say "you shouldn't use food in the shower".

i mean ... think about it: with rye flour, you only need so little of it which ... – btw. do you know how cheap this method is?! – it's vegan, cruelty-free, completely natural and biodegradable and you're not flushing synthetic chemicals, silicones or other harmful substances down the drain. and your regular shampoo also requires ingredients that – hopefully – grow from the earth as well. so, when it's all finally rinsed out and i did my acv and/or cold water rinse i throw my hair up in an old t-shirt for about half an hour before letting it dry completely.

and of course ...

what is a good sulfate free shampoo for colored hair

... here's the result ... ... with some inevitable wind machine action ... ;) thank you so much and ... much love!

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