(dance music) - hey guys, i'm nina and i love makeup, but it can be reallydifficult as a person of color to find makeup that works for me. so i'm gonna be going tofour different stores,
what color foundation do i need, and buying four different foundations based on the help of the clerks. based off of previous experiences i've had with foundation matching,
i'm not super confident that this is gonna be a good experience. i just finished my shopping spree. i went to chanel,sephora, target, and ulta. let me tell you about each one. so i went to the chanel counter and the saleslady was very nice, she was very helpful. she sat me down and shewas trying to match me,
and she informed me that this is the darkest shade that they had. look at me! one side is the alive me, and one side is the ghost me. just like super ashy, super pale, no warmth or life in my skin at all. i feel exactly like mulan when she like looks at the sword and likewipes away one half of her face.
so i went into ulta and she was like i know exactly what you need. gonna test these threedifferent shades on you, and the whole experienceprobably took about a minute. it matches like the warmth of my skin. i don't feel like ashy or that i look pale or dry or anything. there's like a little bit ofdifference in my forehead, cuz my forehead tends to be,
is like really darkerthen the rest of my face. but overall it's like, itfeels like a perfect match. so, i went into target. at our targets they havelike specific beauty people in the beauty isles to help people out. she was like very sure thisw6 warm was gonna work. i look so sweaty and greasy, and i feel like honestly, ifi did actually start to sweat, you'd get like these lines ofcolor coming down on my face,
it's like my natural skin triedto break out of its prison. i couldn't walk around outside like this, people would wonderwhat was wrong with me. i went into sephora. she pitched two shades to try out on me, and she got it right on the first try, which i was really impressed by. they were almost identical to me honestly, i couldn't even tell the difference.
if you, i couldn't even tellthat i was wearing foundation when she tested it on me. there isn't much of a difference between my face and my neck. it's very like, warm and bright, like how i want to be. and it takes out anylike weird discoloration that i have in my skin. i went in really thinking none of it
was gonna work out for me, but i ended up coming out of it with two really nice foundations that i'm probably gonnause for a long time. it's nice to know thatthere's a brand out there that like has a perfect match for my skin. i think it's just better totest all of your options, and see what works best for you. one person doesn't necessary have
the best eye to match you, so it's better to get youknow four or even more different opinions onwhat looks best for you. she told me that this was thedarkest shade that they had,

but she was like oh yeah we're, we're kinda waiting on thedarker shades to come in, and i was like are you? are you really?