if you’re trying to clean up some partsof your home that are flawed or seem to stay cluttered, you’re in the right place. everyone has some of these areas at home,and they often become eye sores that distract from the sophistication of your home. here are a few easy diy fixes for places inyour home like those ugly paint stains on
what exterior paint color goes with red brick, the patio or the light fixture that lookslike it’s from the 1970s. this is 20 ways to disguise the ugliest partsof your home. 1. use world maps to cover up ugly flaws on yourwall.
we’ve all made some paint color mistakes. it’s never the same as the vision in yourhead—instead of sea foam green it comes out puke green. so instead of rushing back to the store formore paint, why not cover it up with something with a classic and sophisticated look? maps add a certain level of sophisticationto any wall. acquire some old maps and use pushpins tocover up the color of a wall. this works best on smaller spaces, but itcan also be used on large walls too. 2.
for ugly patio surfaces or paint spills, usea colorful diy drop cloth. painted walls aren’t the only ugly thingaround your house related to paint fixes. remember the time you spilled black painton the patio and it just wouldn’t come off? cover it up by painting a drop cloth. you’ll use this as a cover up for the uglyplaces on your patio. don’t be afraid to give it some color orpattern—bright colors suit outdoor spaces well. just remember to stay within the color wheelof your patio furniture! 3.
cover up water spots on your ceiling withantique scarves held in place using thumbtacks. many older homes have at least a few waterstains in a ceiling somewhere. instead of trying to redo the sheetrock orpaint, cover it up with some beautiful scarves stretched over the surface of the ceilingand hung with thumbtacks. though you’ll need to cover the entire ceilingin a given room, it creates a soft and interesting look for any ceiling. it’s an easy cover-up for something thatwould otherwise be difficult and costly to repair. 4.
use chalkboard paint to cover up black markson your white doors. one of the most trendy finishes on the markettoday, chalk board paint comes in handy when you’d like to disguise some ugly accidents. with white paint especially, doors can getbanged and scratched easily. it doesn’t take long for a white door tobecome littered with black scrape marks from general use. chalk board paint is the perfect solutionbecause it not only covers up the marks, but it also provides a nice drawing board forchildren or your to-do list. 5.
use fancy paint stirrers in a cool patternto cover up exposed screws on flat surfaces. if you’re using furniture which has surfaceswith exposed screws, dress it up a bit using something that doesn’t cost a penny. paint stirrers are free at most hardware storesand can be collected to become the new surface of your furniture. glue the paint stirrers straight onto a flatsurface (like the side of a book shelf) to get a cool pattern and cover up the exposedscrews. 6. make a cool utility cover for the outsideof your home using plywood.
in this fix, you’ll use some plywood anda few other simple materials to create a cover for that ugly mess of utility boxes on theside of your home. it will take a bit of building and painting,but the simple but classy look you’ll get will hide those boxes. you can even customize the look of the coverby adding different colors, patterns, murals, or even adding your house number or last name. and it won’t prevent your utility companyfrom assessing your usage. 7. finish your ugly laminate counter top witha diy paint kit that looks like expensive
granite. coming in all colors and textures, paint kitscan be easily bought online or in a local hardware store. it’s the perfect way to turn your drab laminatecounter top into something new and fresh. it covers up any flaws of your countertopwhile giving the look of an expensive granite counter. this specific granite paint kit comes withvery specific instructions. though it’s not overly difficult, thereis a learning curve that comes with doing things very precisely.
this kit is an excellent example of how yourdiy project can transform your drab laminate counter into an expensive-looking granitecounter top. more ideas 8. construct a woven art piece to cover up holes or scratches on your wall. woven wall hangings can be purchased at a secondhand store or new, but you can also craft one yourself. hide those ugly wall mishaps that you can’t repaint by covering them with a trendy woven piece. it’s also customizable, as you can do one more or less complex, or with colors of your choice.
relatively inexpensive, this is a great diy project that not many people have in their homes. 9. assemble a crafty self-made light fixture cover if you don’t like your current one. if you’re not really a fan of the lighting fixtures in your rental, this is an easy way to fix it up without breaking the rules. it’s a simple diy project using hoops and canvas material. you’ll make a hanger for it so that it can easily hang from the original fixture. it’s a classy way to cover up an ugly lighting option. the great thing about diy projects like this one is that you can customize it
to meet your needs however you want. 10. use fabric paint and a special medium to complete this diy upholstery cover for any chair or ugly upholstered furniture. grandma’s old ratty upholstered chair that you inherited can become a beautiful eye-catching addition to your living room with this easy fix. that old chair may look worn and dated, butthis fix will restore its vibrancy with a new look. if a slip cover just isn’t working, usesome good quality fabric paint to cover it
up! though it feels a bit like leather after painted,it is a comfortable and affordable way to change the look of a room. 11. add crown molding and use paint to cleverlydisguise cheap shelves. want to take your bookcase from a cheap lookto a custom look? add some crown molding to the top of the shelf,while using extra wood to create some vertical dividers. it varies your shelf sizes and shapes, givingan interesting and custom look to your room.
this will take some measuring and cutting,but will leave you with a shelf that isn’t your typical ikea buy. you can also paint the back drop of the shelfa different color to give it an additional pop. 12. transform your plane jane light switch coverinto something interesting using a mod podge glue and your favorite text. light switches are something you use manytimes a day, but the plain white covers don’t usually keep your attention or add anythingto the look of the room.
here’s a fun new way to give your wallsa little something extra. by gluing a copy of a page from your favoritebook down to the light switch cover, you’ll create a truly unique look that is somethingyou’ll enjoy and talk to others about. use an exacto knife to trim it to fit thecover perfectly. it’s fun and easy, and best of all cheap! 13. spray paint your ugly vinyl chair for a cool,fresh look. another way to hide an ugly chair cover isto use specialty spray paint. maybe you’re not as great at painting asyou’d like to be, so spray paint can be
a good option. just find a few cans of vinyl spray paintfrom a local auto parts store and go to town with them! it may change the texture of the fabric, butit should still work fine and shouldn’t crack. 14. use metallic sharpies to disguise old or rustedmetal furniture coverings. metallic sharpies aren’t only for professionalscrap-bookers. with this easy fix, you can use them to coverup ugly old rusty metallic parts of your home.
chrome covers, chair legs, or table legs aregood options to use the metallic sharpies on. make sure the coverage looks even and smoothbefore you allow it to dry. it may also take a couple coats, but whenyou’re finished it will look newer and brighter. 15. for your ugly brown or grey folding chair,use new fabric and some paint to make it into an interesting room addition. everyone appreciates a pop of color somewherein a room. your eye is drawn to it.
why not fix up that old folding chair intoa piece that makes your room pop? folding chairs are relatively easy to reupholsterand the painting should be easy as well. pick a fun fabric for the seat of the chair,unfasten the seat, and recover. then it’s just a matter of finding a paintcolor that goes well with the fabric. give it several coats of paint and you’llend up with a chair that adds to your room. 16. transform your outdated kitchen backsplashinto a clean, classy one using all-purpose paint. we’ve all been there—finding somethingoutdated that doesn’t seem to be easy thing to
fix. with a backsplash, it can be expensive andtime consuming to order all new tiles or textures. with some moderate grouting and some all-purposepaint, you can exchange your outdated backsplash for a clean new look. 17. fix your ugly chrome-finish fireplace in under24 hours by using white wash and all-purpose in this diy fix to hide an outdated fireplace,you’ll follow steps to whitewash the red bricks, paint any mantle or shelves, and thentouch up the brass surrounding the fireplace. although this sounds specific, the principlescan be followed for any kind of fireplace
set up. it’s a great and fun way to give your livingarea a whole new sophisticated look in a short amount of time. 18. hide those hazy glass shower doors by hangingnew curtains. after a few years of use, shower doors quicklybecome hazy and look dated. if you’re tired of trying to clean the hazeoff those ugly shower doors, you can easily cover this section of your bathroom by hangingsome new curtains with a long tension rod in front of the doors.
it’s an easy fix for a big problem in thebathroom. 19. use a collage of art of your choice to hidean ugly wall. still looking for creative ways to cover theflaws on your wall ? a trendy way to add some interest to yourroom and also cover up the ugly part of the wall is to find some items you’d like tohang in a new collage. family photos, interesting art pieces, fabricin a frame, or anything else you’d like to put in your collage will work great. the perfect thing about this option is thatit is so flexible—you can hang anything
you’d like in your collage. 20. hide your dog food and water bowl in a drawer. one of the big eyesores in any pet owner’shome is the food and water dish. they are also messy, getting knocked overconstantly. clean it up and keep it that way by puttingthe dishes in a reachable drawer that can be pulled out for use and then pushed backin when not in use. you can pull out the drawer and your pet hasinstant and direct access to eat from the drawer instead of the floor.
though it could take up a good bit of room,adding an additional set of drawers for your

pet’s food and water bowls can give youextra storage as well. that’s it,come back next time with more home dã©cor ideas and don’t forget to leave this videowith your like, share or better, lovely comments. subscribe, if you want to lift this channelto new level and thanks for watching.