rab is excited to introduce a new memberof the lflood family the fxled78with 78 watts of high-efficiency led power goes a long way. the fxled78 is designed to replace 250w floodlights
multi color led flood lights, one for one. compared to the 250w whichconsumes 295 input watts the fxled78 reducesenergy consumption by 70%.
which really adds up in energy costsavings! the fxled78 is a nema 6x5 wide flood distribution and delivers just shy of 6,000 lumens. it packs quite the punch and as you can see here delivers a50' wide by 10' high distribution when the fixtures are 25' feet from a wall
maximum mounting height is 25'and typical spacing is 100'. go down to 50 feet for maximumuniformity. this fixture has significanthorsepower to cover large areas. with high-power led heat managementis critical. cooling the led leads to longer lifespan and higher light output in real-world applications. rab has designed a patent-pendingthermal management technology that reduces the amount if you heat sinking materialusing the principles of thermal convection and conduction and drivingair flow through the fixture body.
the result is an ideal combination ofreduced cost and increase life and output fxled78 comes intwo different mounting styles trunnion for mounting to buildings wallsand other flat surfaces and slipfitter for mounting to polls with 2-3/8" tennons rab offers many accessories tocover most mounting challenges for applications were further energyreduction is needed the fxled78 can beordered in about a bi-level configuration
that allows 33% outputand one 100% output modes combined with rab motion sensors orphoto controls this reduces energy consumption bynearly 90% this slip fitter version has an optionalswivel photocell which can be ordered in 120v or277v factory installed. other accessories include a wire guardand polly shield for high security applications fxled comes in three
standard rab led color temperatures. cool is the most popular and gives the maximum light outputefficiency at 5100k cct it's best for non color criticalapplications and looks like moonlight. neutral has good light outputand efficiency at 4000k cct it has a excellent color and light output
and is good for applications where colors matter and provides a daylight appearance warm color temperature has less light output and lowerefficiency but in exchange it has an incandescent look and excellent color rendering warm is 3000k cct.

the fxled78 offers ahuge opportunity replace existing
250w hid floodlights if you need detailed specifications orassistance creating a lighting layout visit rabweb.com or call 888-722-1000