come on. go. aw. watching the soccer game. it's a football match.
multi colored carpet wall to wall, oh, yeah? then why do they callit a soccer ball? really? we could debate whatto call this game,
but that would take timeaway from showing you this, the air power soccer disc isa multi-surface hovering toy. everyone knowshovercrafts are awesome. and the soccer discis no exception. when powered on, amotorized fan floats the disc on a curtain of air,so it sails over hard surfaces with ease. since the disc glidesover wood, linoleum, and even low-pilecarpet, the soccer disk
is ideal for kickingaround the house. the foam bumper protectswalls and other objects, so you shouldn't need toworry about damaging anything except fragile egos. you monster. those were good meni lost out there. medic!

the soccer disc glides onsmooth surfaces like cement, opening the possibilityfor all sorts of games.
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