hi, i'm sue rose with expert village and todaywe're talking about mixing colors using just six colors, our primary and secondary colors.and now i'm going to show you what happens when you mix other colors with orange. i'mfirst going to mix orange with the red right here, and then add a little bit of red toit and i come up with another color, another orange. and i'm going to take my orange hereand i'm going to mix it with purpleand i come up with yet another color, kind
orange paint colors for kitchens, of a softer color. then of course, if i mixmy orangewith my yellow i get a much lighter, more
subtle orange. if i mix my orange with myred i get yet a darker and stronger orange. and then i will mix my orange this time, rightover here, with my green and that's going to give me a whole 'nother, duller orangehere. so, this is what happened when you mix
your oranges. stay tuned for the next segmentfor when we mix our violets or purple.