picking out the perfect shadow for a blondewith blue eyes seems like an easy thing but a lot of people always comes, you know, likei don't know what color complement this and as you've heard me say before, maybe you haven't.if you watch these videos, you have. i'm a huge fan of checking out color wheel, usinggoogle images, if you really wanna find one online, check out or if you have one 'causeyou're really into art but the color wheel
what color eyeshadow for blue eyes and pale skin, will never leave you astray. so, if you findthe color of your eyes in the color wheel, blue, you go opposite, those are the colorsthat are gonna complement your eyes which in this case would be coral, peaches, andthings in that nature. so, (??) corporate coral into your eyeshadow without looking,you know, crazy. still look natural but it's
really gonna play up your eyes and make itmuch brighter. so, what we're gonna do is start by prepping. prep those eyelids witha little bit of eye base. eye base is fantastic. it holds the product in place, makes youreyeshadow crease resistance and also makes your shadow go on a little bit brighter soyou have to put less of it on and we go from lash line all the way up to the brow. now,we're gonna come in... i'm a fan of starting in the lid and then going into the contour.some people like to start with the contour and then go into the lid, that's your ownpreference but just know that you have to blend it. so, this is a really bright blueshadow. gonna pick some up, pack... instead of brush, i've packed it on to and i alwaysfeel like this, hold the brush away and shake
off all that excess 'cause that's the stuffthat would end up on your shirts, your cheek, maybe all over the counter so shake it offand then you can go in and dust it, pack it, however you want on to the lid. this is areally pretty shadow. it's got some iridescence to it so it's gonna reflect a lot of lightand that as well will make piper's eyes, look a little bit bigger and it's very pretty inthe summer. other colors that go great with blue... i mean, i think purple actually justgoes great with everybody but purple is really pretty and brown. browns are gorgeous. actually,a great trick too to make your eyes look a little bluer is do brown mascara which a lotof girls are always like i want black, i want the darkest lash that i can have but brownlooks black to the average person, you know,
i mean that's another difference and reallydoes make your eyes look bluer. when you have that fall off from the cheek, you just wannatake a loose brush, something that\'s not too tightly packed and just go in there andhopefully shake it away. you have a problem in mistake like this, i'll show you afterall finish how to get rid of it without ruining your foundation. next, we're gonna go withsome eyeliner. it got really a pretty brown, something that's kind of medium, dark, a littlebit of shimmer. look up, start in the bottom lash line and putting this right on the waterlineand into the lashes and take a little bit underneath. i'm gonna take my finger, oneof my favorite tools to use and just kind of smudge it underneath the lash. now, thatwe've done the other eye, we're gonna start
on the top and add a little bit liner rightin the corner. look down. kind of keeping it thinner at center of the eye, letting itget a little bit thicker and use your finger again to just smudge this upwards into thecrease. we're done. so beautiful brown and coral together. oh my god. so gorgeous withthem. look at me and we look down. look at me. perfect. looking at piper's eyes rightnow, what i wanna do is get a little bit more of this darkness focus in the corner of oureye, really sexy look to kind of focus the darkness on the outside, gonna make your eyelook more almond and also pulls them apart. so, for girls at home, close that eyes. thisis a great way to make your eyes look a little bit whiter so that people aren't focusingon that inner corner. taking a little bit
more time to blend the darkness in the outercorner of the eye. okay. now, i can show you how to clean this up. there's a few ways inclean up at home. you can use a wipe which is great, just take the wipe. i mean likeso and you can wipe away anything you don't like just like this. let's say you're outof wipe, so another great trick is take some lotion or you can use great eyecream if youhave one, something with maybe a little bit of a sleek silicon feel to it. take it ona fluffy brush, you can come in like so and it's just gonna pick up all that unwantedproduct while doubling as a moisturizer friend to the eye. if you want, you can come backin a little concealer and touch up. so, as you can see this is a really easy look todo at home. all you need to do is prep your
eyelid with a little bit of eye base, takeyour shadow in coral or you can do pressed or loose, it's your preference, pack thaton to your lid and then grab a liner. i prefer

coal 'cause i like to put it right on thewaterline in medium rounds, just go in there and line the eyes, top and bottom, focusinga lot on the color right here at the outside of the eye and then use your best tool, yourfinger, smudge it all together and you're ready in 5 minutes.