don't wait years to get this weathered worn look. make it happen now with a few simplesteps. one of the cues to this look is the texture you create with the coarse wirebrush attached to a drill. the brushes actually removing the softwood grinding it away and leaving behind theraised hard grain. always work a tool with
rustoleum deck restore color chart, the grain of the wood and be sure to use proper protection. thegrain on the edges of these pine rounds doesn't run in one direction like it doeson the top so when you working the edges try to followthe grain as much as you can
if the wire brush gets worn and you needto change it - be sure to wear gloves while you're handling it. once you're satisfied with the textureclean up all the dust, so you can start staining there are three different stains toapply. the first is to dripwood this is the only stain you will apply as asolid coat. so be sure to get good coverage let that dry and then go back and sandaround to lightly expose some bare wood. cleanup any dust and then apply then nextstain. lightly brush on some dark walnut
in a random pattern. that'll make the agingor whethering look more natural and then remove it immediately with arag.

the final scene is ebony. apply it lightly torandom areas too and then wipe it away- and that's it. the stains and texture combine to createthe look at year's of aging and weathering without the wait