welcome back to the glamrs studio. this videois for all of us that are obsessed with eyebrow grooming and shaping. some eyebrow triviato begin with, our eyebrows frame our eyes, give shape to the nose and accentuate ourfeatures. but in spite of all of this, they are the most overlooked feature on the face.i'm about to show you how to groom and shape your eyebrows using powders or pencils, justremember that neither is the better choice,
what color eyebrow pencil for white hair, it just depends on what you're comfortableusing. a little tip for you here, which ever productyou use, use a steady hand and feathery strokes. i'm going to get started by using a powderproduct to fill my brows. to begin with im gona use a spooly brush to comb my eyebrowsand now when you are detemining where to fill
in your eyebrows, and how to groom and shapethem , you need to start with the centre of your brows combing downwards in the directionof the hair growth, this will help you determine how much space there is, and how much intensityyou need, and how many gaps you need to fill.take an eyeshadow powder or a brow powder thatsabout a deep stoney brown, not a black because if you use a black powder to fill in youreyebrows it will look really stark, so i would suggest picking up a colour close to this.dip you angular brush into the product shake off any excess and start by imitating strokesof the hair use the brush and the colour really lightly to fill in. make sure that you taperoff as you reach the ends. now for the begining of the brow now you will notice that the hairin this area grows upwards and straight so
brush accordingly in the direction of thegrowth of the hair. this will help you determine how many gaps there are in this area, so usingthe same technique light feathery strokes start by filling from underneath. make sure youdont have too much colour in this area because then the eyebrow will look unnatural if like my hair you have curly hair that wontstay in place or you have hair that just stay in shape that you have determined, useyour spooly brush comb it out and using one of the setting gels that you get in the marketjust run it over. set and complete. now on the other brow im gona show you how you canuse a pencil to fill in your eyebrows. start
again with a spooly brush from the centreof your eyebrows comb downwards in the natural direction of the hair growth, find yourselfa pencil thats again not black because that will look too stark, find a stoney brown.now with the pencil you must be really careful you dont want to draw very determined sharplines use very soft feathery strokes almost imitating the growth of the hair itself. makesure you fill softly where you see the need, increasing the intensity as you go. make sureyou get to the edge of the eyebrow and taper off, again imitate hair growth because youdont want the line to be very stark and solid. now go back to the begining of your brow andbrush upwards. hold your pencil at a slight slant just as you would a brush and fill in.make sure there's a saturation of colour underneath
and not so much on the top, when you get thewhispy appearence of hair and dont colour to far out and dont make it too strong here. once you think you've achieved the colour intensity and the length that you want, takeyour spooly brush again because you want to even out the strokes, normally pencils makevery deliberate strokes some of them you can see so you want to just blend off to makeit more appear smooth and this is something i would do so i would do on this eyebrow aswell. im using my brow setting gel to keep my stray hair in place. so there you see thistwo different products two different finishes
i normally dont recommend just one productyou can mix the two around and maybe some places fill with powder and places like veryclose inside here you can use pencil or a combination of both either way they createbeautiful effects for your eyebrows. another

brow tip here, since we dont really applyfoundation underneath our eyebrows we need to remember there will be an accumulationof excess oils use a dusting powder and lightly dust across the length of your eyebrows toremove the oil. i hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as i enjoyed sharing itwith you. happy eyebrows stay glamrs.