what’s up everybody.welcome back to my channel. today i have a really excitingtutorial because… listen... the manny mua - jeffree star cosmeticscollaboration has finally been revealed today. it has been so hard to keep ita secret from you guys. i know that me and manny have been sneakpeaking on instagram the last few weeks,
sage green paint color samples, but we have been working on this ideafor months now and it’s so just cool and amazing to see all cometo fruitation and come together. now, the collaboration… bam, looks a littlesomething like this and this is the bundle box. now, the bundle comes at an amazing discount,for only 50 bucks you get two velour liquid lipsticks
and one skin frost. now, me and mannycreated these shades together. he really… i, mean i think he kinda steppedout of his comfort zone a lot for this one because we all know mannyloves his nude lipsticks, but he definitely went a little more, errt, for this one,which i love because he has done a lot of collaborations in the past and i think it was cool for himto do something a little different. so, in today’s tutorial i will be using the highlighterand of course one of the liquid lips. if you have not seen the othercolor or seen the full reveal you can watch that right now on mannyê»s channeland everything will be linked down below. now, the collaboration will be out april 8th… wooo!which is only a few weeks away. i can’t even believe it.
i’m like, “oh my god, it’s approaching!†and of course, also, everything inhere will be sold individually. so, if you don’t want the bundle and you just want one lipstick ormaybe you just want the highlighter, you of course can get that. i also have something really exciting to share withmy uk and europe customers and subscribers; me and manny are doinga little uk tour, if you will. where we’ll gonna do some meet and greets,we’re gonna have a pop-up store. and, we are doing manchester,liverpool and london. so, also, everything will be linked down below ifyou forget or need any reminders, need any links. but, me and manny cannot waitto see everyone in the uk.
so, i think itê»s time to dive into this look. so, if you want to see how i created this high fashionmilitary green glam, then keep on watching. alright guys, let’s dive into this tutorial. so, today to prep the skin i’m gonna be usingthe new farsali unicorn essence serum. oh, my god! now, i know a lot of you love me to read me the filthfor using this expensive ass primer in all of my videos. so, if you kind of want… i’m not gonna say this isa dupe, but a similar affect is definitely this one and it is i think 60 percent cheaper. and, i also use this on zach for the i do my boyfriend’sbrother’s makeup tag and his skin looked snatched.
so, we’re just gonna give this guy a little shake. so, i’m just going to put some on my skin. iê»m crying cotton candy. if you ever wondered what it looked like for me to bein a bococki, here is what iê»d be looking like. cute, this looks really interesting.looks like a unicorn gang bang. alright, now i’m gonna take a littlesynthetic brush and put this all over; you can also use your hands, of course, but a lot of times withjewelry and nails i donê»t like to get products on my hands. so, thank god for brushes. alright, my skin is feeling really niceand almost like tacky, which i love
because i already know the makeupis going to melt on my skin. so, let’s get the foundation; for foundation,we are going to use two today. we’re gonna use a little drug store and a little luxury andkind of mix them together for a little cocktail if you will. so, i’m first gonna go in with the dior airflash; this has beenone of my favorite foundations for i think almost five years now. that’s a long time, because withmakeup i get over things. there’s so much product coming out,always, from so many brands. but this one though, this one, probably oneof the best foundation formulas i’ve ever tried. now, it doesn’t have to be perfectbecause you are going to blend it out. so, i just kind of like to get a fine mistaround my whole entire face if you will.
and then, we’re gonna go in with the l’orã©alinfallible pro-glow foundation; let’s get to buffing. alright, now for a concealer today, we’re going to be going inwith the make up forever ultra hd concealer. this is the invisible cover. now, a few people have done my makeup recentlyfor photoshoots and they’ve used this on me and i felt like it looked really brighteningand really snatch. so, let’s give this a whirl. i don’t wanna put on too much because i don’t know the coveragereally for this, cause someone else used this on me. come on baby. there we go. so, i’m just gonna do a little bit and thenwe can always add more if we need to. come on hair, get the fuck back.
alright, now time to buff and blend this out. besides my beauty blender, i’m also going to be usingthe artis oval 7 brush for a little bit of blending today. so, we’re gonna use both of them. alright, now this concealeris so fuckin full coverage. now, i know i don’t normally usecream contours a lot on my channel, but i am going to be going in withthe laura mercier… what is this one? the flawless contouring palette. i’ve been using this for a yearnow, on and off.... i love it. and, i’m gonna go in, of course, with a syntheticbristle brush so it doesn’t fuck up my nice ones.
and i’m gonna go in with the shade contour 1and i’m just gonna put a little bit on my brush and i like to kind of sculpt to contour out. and, we’re just gonna stop itthere; not do anything too low. and then, do a little bit into the hair line. when you wanna make your foreheadinvisible, use some heavy contouring. alright, now it is time to blend this outbecause we look a little crazy right now. alright, contour is almost done; nowwe’re about to set it with a little bronzer. but before that we gotta make sureour under eyes are not gonna crease. so, i’m going to be going in with the la merpowder because you know this shit’s bomb.
alright, now i’m gonna take a clean brush; it can be any brush you want and we’re justgoing to brush away all that loose powder. now, we’re gonna use the new tom fordultimate bronzer in shade terra, tara, terra. look how big this compact.oh, what’s up androgyny palette? what’s up bitch? hey girl, hey!no, but for real, this new bronzer though, i used it the other day and it’s everything. so, i’m going to just kind ofgo over that cream contour. it’s almost like we’re setting it,so you don’t want to go really heavy. you’re just gonna be kind of reallylight-handed and just kind of brush it on.
alright, the face is set. so now, i’m going to quicklydo some eye brows off camera and i’ll be right back. alright, for eyes today we’re going to be dipping into bothof my palettes; the beauty killer and the androgyny palette. now, today we’re only gonnabe using one shade in here. it’s really to just kind of set my entireeye for a nice ivory base. and, of course we’re gonnabe using shade china white. so, i’m gonna take a little mac 252 brush; i’ve beenusing these for 10 years, i am obsessed with them and let’s go in on the eye. let’s dip into the androgyny palette. now, oh my god. so, i’ve been using this onefor a minute; the stars are getting diminished.
so, i’m going to be taking this littlebobbi brown eye blender brush and we are going to dip right into safe word forthe little transition shade if you will. so, let’s get on it. and then to make sure those lines are really blendednicely; i’m going to go in with this morphe m510. now, normally i use this to highlight,but i love dipping this into china white and just getting the brush coated in that ivoryshadow and i’ll just kind of go over this. and, just make sure it’s really blended out nice. now that safe word is all set and laid,it’s time to move on to some green. so, i’m first gonna start off by packing the shade military,which is this green color right here, all over the lid and also in the crease.so, let’s get to it.
alright, now we’re gonna dip into military again andwe’re just gonna start smoking out the under eye. so, i’m just going to take this little dome brushand just kind of look up and start blending. now, for liner today i’m gonna be usingsomething i actually never used before. this is from the brand marc jacobs beauty. and these are the highliner matte gel eyecrayons and this is in shade deja blue. now, oh, i mean it’s sucha pretty periwinkle color. i’ve seen manny use this before in a few tutorials andi was like, “oh, okay bitch you water line is like snatched.†we are going to try this bad boy out today. and, these are supposed to last like along time and not smear or come off.
so, let’s see what happens. i mean, hello pigment! holy shit. it even got on my lashes which is fine becausewe’re gonna do mascara in a minute, but like damn! holy shit. the water line so like,i’m taking it back, it looks so pretty. so, now we’re going to dip into shadepoison, it is a really dark teal color. and we’re going to be usingthis little cozzette brush. and what we’re about to do is take the colorand do it under the water line color. so, we’re just kind of go back and forthreally gently and darken that smoky eye. now, we’re gonna use this same brushand dip into military, one more time.
and, we’re just gonna lightly put that overpoison and then just kind of buff it out. it looks seamless and really dramatic. alright, now let’s add a little bitof glitter and spice to this look. now, i know i have used these stella liquid eye shadowsa million times on my channel the last few months and they’re in my favorites. i am obsessed with them. now, this shade diamond dust, almost givesyou like a holographic effect on the lid. yes, all my holo-sexuals out there what it is. now, you guys tell me if it looks holographic or not,but i just think that this glitter though is everything. now, you can use a synthetic brush if youwant; i’m going in with the applicator.
and, i’ll start going really,really barely any. just kind of light to start. and then,we’re going to paint the entire lid. and, i love this brush cause it kind of helps youcarve out your lid where you want to stop the glitter. now, the trick with these you guys,is to do it last for your eyes. so, before lashes and mascara,put the glitter on. if you try to put the glitter on too early and blend itout with the brush it will kind of fall on your cheeks. so, it has to be the last topper for your eye. alright, of course, no shocker here i’m going to begoing in with my favorite benefit roller lash mascara. now, a few weeks ago i tried anothermascara in a tutorial and didn’t love it.
so, here we are. alright, now to make sure there’s no liner on our lashes i’mgoing to try and cover them all with, of course the mascara. for lashes, today i’m going to be going inwith the lilly ghalichi lashes in style delara. and i will be right back. alright now, let’s get to highlightingand the lips and so of course, i’m going to be using the manny muajeffery star cosmetics bundle box today. yes. in the box… bam, you get oneskin frost and two liquid lips. so, of course, if you want to see the full reveal head onover to manny’s channel, it will be linked down below. but, today i’m going to be using one lipand of course the highlighter.
i gotta bath in that motherfucker right now. the highlighter color is called eclipse and of course if comes in the manny mua matteblack packaging with his classic hologram. and, when you open it up… whoh…you get the crescent moon and the star. now, i’ve been using this for the last few weeks so, i’m justgonna do a little one, two, three and let’s get to highlighting. now, when manny and i were creating this shade he waslike, “look, i want something really like icy, peachy. like just something so blinding thatwill just you know, steal your soul.†and, he created this shade in the labwith me and i was like obsessed. and, i love how it looks on his skin tone,
it just kind of like transforms on everyoneand i think it looks so stunning and i’m just really happy of justhow this whole thing turned out. i’m like, “oh!†you guys know this bitchis going to blind for filth right now. alright, now we are going to hitour cupid’s bow of course. and, when i say hit the cupid’s bow,i mean, slay. and, of course last but not least,it is the brow bone. so, i’m going to take this little tom fordangle brush and we’re just going to take that and put it right under the brow. just so that it kind of gives it a littleadded dimension and flavor.
alright, now i quickly wanna through on some blush, so i’mgoing to be using the becca cosmetics flowerchild blush. this is in the prosecco pop split.i love this color. it is just really… i don’t know youguys will see when it hits the cheek. it’s really pretty.and these are really pigmented, so when it’s on the brush,do a little tap because lord jesus. for lips today, of course, you guys know i’m gonna be usingone of the manny mua jsc collaboration velour liquid lipsticks. and, i’m going to be going inwith shade daddy. this is a really cool tone,90’s brown. i love it. i think that it is very manny.
now, i know he likes to stick to his lightnude shades, but i feel like this is just him. it like speaks to me. i feel like…i don’t know, when i look at this color i like… i kind of like mannywould wear that instantly. but, i think that this will go really nice withthis cool tone look today. so, let’s put it on. the lip is dry. i think it looks so beautiful with this look. i’m looking in the monitor like… hi! okay, now of course it’s time to set the face. now since this is black packaging
i’m had to pull out the new tatcha luminous dewyskin mist in this limited edition black packaging. it is so beautiful. and of course, you guysknow we have to give it a little shake. and, this is going to make yourskin even a little extra glowy. so, if you’re afraid of the glow, put thisdown and grab your normal setting spray. but, if you’re afraid of the glow,how do you even get to my channel? let’s get our engines ready. there we go, she’s new.she needed to get a little worked up. she had to get a little pumped. alright, let’s set.
alright, this look is complete. alright, i hope you guys enjoyed today’s tutorial,of course, using the manny mua jsc collaboration. now, that drops on april 8th,which is about two weeks away. i can’t even believe it, i’m like… i’m so nervous,anxious and excited for you guys to get everything

and try them on yourselves. i cannot wait to see everyoneglow to filth all summer long. alright guys, thank you so much for watchingthis video and i’ll see you in the next one. bye, guys.