in this clip we're going to talk about howto mix semi permanent hair colors. and i usually tell people if they are going to mix semipermanents to look at the instructions because every company is different. everybody hastheir method to mixing their color. i actually have some semi permanent colors that are alreadylike in boxes here and not bottles. so what i would do is i would take a tube of color,and every colors tube sometimes they have
semi permanent hair color cover gray, little lines on them. these colors here withthis company have little dots here and they tell you every dot or every little line meansten cc's. they work by cc's in colors. some people mix ounces. so in this hair color here,i'm going to mix what would be maybe an ounce of color. ok. and we're going to take thecolor now and put it in here in the bowl.
you need a bowl and a brush to mix this semipermanent. and a semi permanent hair color is actually a tone on tone. semi permanenthair color is used maybe for relaxed hair or somebody who just wants temporary haircolor. we are going to mix the color first for this company. they want you to mix theircolor first. so you mix it in the bowl, and

then we're going to use some developer tomix it. same amount of developer, same amount of product here. same ounce of hair colorhere, if it's one ounce here, then we are going to mix one ounce in this vial righthere. one ounce in here. so one ounce, one ounce, equal parts in hair color.