if you’re looking for some new cool ideasfor a diy paint project, you’re at the right place. whatever your experience level, these aresome fun and easy ways to improve your home using creative paint projects. this is 21 paint ideas for your house.
sherwin williams exterior paint color chart, number 1. denim faux finish paint tutorial. check out this awesome denim-looking wallcover using paint. using a different style of painting pattern,as well as a few different products, you’ll
end up with this very unique wall finish...perfectfor a country house or casual theme. 2. the "mountain mural" bedroom makeover. in this breathtaking paint project, you’lluse the creative side of your brain to paint a mural of mountains on the wall using varyingshades of paint. the result is an absolutely gorgeous muralof mountains, which adds depth and character to any boring room. check out the video too—the time lapse isa lot of fun. 3.
use paint to make a drippy wall. this one just screams artist. or, it at least screams something at you! because it is bright, vibrant, and bold. in this short diy tutorial, find out how touse paint in syringes to make your very own creative corner by adding a “paint dripwall.†4. use a broom for a cool paint pattern. witches aren’t the only ones who still usehay-style bristle brooms.
in this easy guide, you can follow along asthey take you through the step-by-step guide on how to use the bristles of a broom to makea really unique wall paint pattern. your guests will never guess how you did it! 5. play with patterns. ok, we won’t say you can’t make a mistake(because we’ve seen plenty of bad mistakes using wall paint), but don’t be afraid toget creative. it’s usually best to try it out on a smallpaper or object before applying it to the wall.
but this image shows you how to keep it simpleon the wall and get a little pattern-happy with your furniture. 6. paint a white board anywhere. check out this video on how to make a whiteboard anywhere. of course, we realize you’re probably notgoing to be computing math equations in your kitchen (at least, we hope not), but thisis a cool way to add a to-do list to your wall without having to purchase and mounta pricy (and bulky) white board. in this quick video, see how to measure, tape,and paint a new white board.
you’ll be glad you did it, whether you’readding a fun area for the kids or a to-do list for adults. fyi, this diy requiredideapaint create series 50 sq. ft. kit - whiteboard paint from amazon. 7. painting stripes made easy. stripes no longer have to be a fear! using a few simple tools and lots and lotsof painter’s tape (seriously—be ready), you’ll be on your way to a beautiful chicstriped wall.
you can make a few simple stripe accents fora specific area, or do the entire room as pictured in this guide! whatever you decide, be sure to check outthe guide here so your stipes will be super simple. 8. diy painting project for everyone. this is a super simple diy project that resemblesone of those expensive prints from the department store. the good news is you only need a few verybasic skills and tools.
using a layering technique, you’ll painton the colors and then add the tape in any fashion you choose. then paint a coat of white over top and afterit’s dry, pull off the tape and your masterpiece is done! 9. learn how to paint over dark colors. in this quick video, you’ll learn some hackson painting (successfully) over top of a darker color paint. it can be tricky, and it can end up beinga huge mess if you don’t follow the right
steps when painting over a darker color. they’ll explain in this video the importanceof a few coats of primer, which is one of the keys to making this a successful paintjob. 10. diy wall shelves from a shoebox. sticking to a budget? so are we in this cool and fun diy project. everyone has old shoe boxes that can be usedin this creative way to make some unique and fun wall shelves.
although we don’t recommend putting yourheaviest possessions on them, these do make nifty shelves for the bedroom. 11. opening ceremony tokyo. this one creates a specific and modern atmosphereas it plays with patterns and light colors. this could be difficult to pull off unlessyou have a specific look or theme to your room and living quarters. but it’s definitely a fun twist on paintpatterns! 12.
diy wall art: dreamy letters. get dreamy with your favorite saying or quotein this fun diy art project. you can easily add colors to the canvas, andafter they dry you’ll paint over it using a carefully crafted design so that when youpeel it away, the colored letters are there and full of color! 13. rubik's cube chest of drawers. i mean, who doesn’t want a rubik’s cubechest of drawers? before you begin this project, check the materialslist twice so you can be sure you have everything
that’s necessary—nothing more annoyingthan having to stop and run to the store. after some pretty basic prep work, you’llbegin installing the slides for the drawers. then you’ll assemble the cases using somecommon boards that are sized to fit. when you get the bulk of it assembled, youcan cut ridges in the outside of the unit so that it gives the illusion it will spin. eventually, you’ll end up spray paintingyour stickers and attaching them to the outside of the assembled unit. you’ll also need washers and dowels as wellas some parts fitted to make a lazy susan. this will give some movement to your unit!
when it’s done, you’re going to be amazed. this project is fun and has each step outlinedin the tutorial listed below. the handy thing about this project is thatthere’s a downloadable pdf document with all the directions on how to make this coolrubik’s cube chest of drawers. not to mention it is summarized in 16 easysteps! 14. painted wood wall art. this diy project is cool because it utilizesthose old scraps of wood you have lying around the back yard or garage.
you can paint them nifty colors and fit themall together in an artistic pattern. then, using liquid nails, you’ll fastenthem to one larger board and viola! an awesome wood art piece for your wall. 15. painted wood crate lights. as pictured in this guide, you can easilymake some really vintage looking light covers using some small old crates, some wood stainand paint, and a few other basic tools. this gives a fun and energetic look to anyroom. 16.
exciting collaboration of colors. this guide gives a cool and unique perspectiveon colors and how to transition mid-wall from color to color. it has some really interesting and moderntakes on color patterns and sequences. you’ll want to check out the details withhow these cool collages of paint came into being. 17. ombre painted dressers put color into perspective. ombre isn’t just a trendy hair style—it’sa fantastic thing you can do with objects
around your house like that set of chest ofdrawers you hate. 18. tutorial diy herringbone wall. this is a great way to add some characterto any room. it’s pretty funky, so hope you can keepup! grab your yardstick and a level and get measuring! add the marking to the wall where you wantthe lines and then tape it off with some painter’s tape. lastly, paint!
you’ll be glad you did this according tothe guide. 19. diy triangle pattern kitchen tabletop. want to dress up your boring or standard kitchenor dining table? here’s how to add some cool triangle multi-colorpattern to the table top for a more modern and color-filled look. as always, begin by sanding down the old paintjob—best to start with the basics. then you can get more crafty when puttingthe tape down in a creative pattern. use a cool color sequence (or one that justgoes with the color scheme of the room) and
then peel the tape away to reveal a cool finish. 20. handwriting statement wall. you can’t get much simpler than this...addyour personal touch to any wall for a modern and fun look. the fun thing is that you can write, well,whatever you want! it can be some cheesy love quotes or a favoritepassage from your favorite book just be sure to trace the words onto the wallbefore applying paint, since that can get tricky.
the only trick to this one is getting thelines of words to go straight across and not at a slant (like some of us write naturally)! and last,21. make a statement wall with paint pens. this cool and trendy statement wall is suchan understatement! just kidding—it’s actually pretty niftybecause you can do anything you want. the sky’s the limit in this fun diy project. the best thing is to first make a cardboardcut-out of the pattern you’d like to use on the wall, then trace it on!
you’ll use a thick paint pen. white is what was used in this tutorial, butyou can get creative with the colors you want to use. just make sure whatever cool geometric shapeyou use is even and doesn’t create any problems when you pull the carboard away from the wall. get busy with one of these cool diy projectsto make the painting masterpiece you’ve always dreamed of in your home. be sure to like this video and share it withfriends!

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