you're up, brandon.i'll call. i got you beat, just fold.hmm. you see, i've been playing poker with thesetwo for a while now, and i've gotten to know how they play the game.for example, when ryan is bluffing, his expression changes ever so slightly. you can barely pickup on it if you don't know he does it.
what color are poker chips, i'll call.he's got nothing. now brandon, he comes from a long line ofpoker sharks. his only problem is though, he gets way too agressive.i will kill your entire family. i told you to fold. i... told you that.sam, you're up!
see, this is where my keen sense of observationcomes in. both brandon and ryan seem unhappy with their hands yet, they're both still playing!so logically- [choking][screaming] bahding!hey, thanks for watching our video! while

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