you all doing well welcome back to mychannel here today we video all about my hair i get a lot of questionsabout it so i thought i'd cover all in today's beauty are my tips and tricks onmy favorite products to use my favorite hair tools and everything is well ifthere's anything that i don't happen today let me know in the commentssection and all
what is beige blonde hair color, any questions that you may have and yetyou guys interested in all things related then please keep watching a caseof it out a little bit about my bronde balyage hair colour and haircuts i have been going tomilkyhair from you'll be here for a while now i think she's been looking after my hairvery well and you mean everything that
i've been asking for which is reallygood wanted to go at the thought of you someclips of my hair journey rematch of the lost yet but i stopped that you belong ijust wanted to see what long look like on me and i don't thing with much loveand i i think im need to have a little bit of darkness specially around theroots area to bring out my beaches white beaches yes we went quite long and then westarted adding a little bit of brandy went from more like an ombre ombrebalayage and alma sort of going till a little bit of a break
well actually but i wanted to go formore of that wrong look she's blonde and brown put togetherfor the cup i always ask for blunt cut because my head but i bought a lot of itand if i get back on rate cut or anything that's not blunt it just reallyreally bad on me so i have to eat just add more fullness to my end always like to this link herewhich is once a lunch wait just on the show i really like that i would go shortabsolutely but i'd really like to put my hair up i like when working ineverything to have my head up keeping my faith i do a lot of teamwork as well soi always have to be out of my hair up if
i didn't have to i definitely would goshorter but i really really like these late so i just keep getting a plot tocut definitely recommend any formal p hair she's actually a mobile personalhair stylist which i love journey to go and find parking or anything or bewaiting in the cell on my mind i actually get a head down together cutand color and so we get it done it either at her house all my house chillout we love it so yeah definitely on the gold coast brisbane check out thewebsite often in the description by also if you mention my name just a littlespecial as well i'll put all the information in the description for youguys i'm now going to get onto my
favorite styling tools and then i'll getinto my product but i love this one by remington i just bought it from and yet it's justamazing it's quite heavy but it's going to be way to it which i like because idon't know i just feel like it's just got a little bit more quality to it hethought the three settings for heat and then the medium and high setting as welland i just use this attachment here i just put my head or large right away use my brush and just brush through asemployed right i finally got my head to toe when you see more hot at the rootswhich i love i need as much volume and
hot in my hair is possible if not justsits flat so that's how i use my hands on daytime wanting straight hairblow-dried and then i'm going with my straighten upand lock with my pleasure i'm with my head upside down i use my straighten itthat way as well so i put my head down and straight from the route to the teamand that gives me that extra volume at the roots as well i like this one herethis one's my irresistible me it's a document collection straight no it'sgreat it's great you'll call dial therefore temperature and you're all inall i do you have adhd so i got this one he is nice and light and you juststraighten my hair perfectly anything
that i needed to get an adapter when ithought it but that is fine i just got one off and then on days like todaywhere i want a little bit of a cold or wake my head i used my last one is theclassic one and it's rotating curling i don't quite a few euros raving about iabsolutely love it especially for my link pages makes combing your hair soeasy just getting it these back pieces here if you like to color your hairregularly because you just click here and then you've got people rotating butas i said this one is the classic one and it's a conical so i use about theseside here because i like more of a typo because my head drops coles prettyeasily because yes i said i have seen by
a lot of it sort of you know during theday holes to a really nice weight like thiswhich is absolutely how i like it and then when he is the actual size so irecommend this one if you have long hair if you've got free care that holds thecold will be great as well but these to my absolute favorite coming i love thatthey're rotating put a discount code if you guys are interested in these as welli'll leave that in the description by alright let's talk about my favoritehair products you'll notice that i'm not going to a particular brand of so manydifferent brands here i think because i tried so many different products becausei'm always looking for as much volume
and texture in my hair and possible thatit's only just certain products in each law that i like so they certainly bringsyou all leave all the link with chaim 15 free pages these terms jason into the extra volume shampoo ijust bought my now it may be became my hair in its own way to save itsqualified with biotin and all and protein i personally think it's becauseit really gets in and deep cleans my hair was my hand being seen any productin it it'll just get weighed down whereas i feel that these really get inqueens removes all that product buildup and leaves my hair with kool you becauseit's not quite down with anything so
that's what i think he does which whichi love because i love my hand to be literally we clean up when i see what iwant to share food to do then when i don't condition and told my hair feellike it's going on top of absolutely love is what i love about it even morenazis and its parent and la cholla jim collins or anything like that so yeahabsolutely recommend the ship if i'm not going and tony conditioning my head then i'll use my hand by handbecause yeah i only put it on the ends of my hair and because that is the mostpellet region i always like to use a hair out and just leave it on for youget in the shower and the one that i
like to use the stuff in the disciplinerange and yes the rose gold one another making up nearly finished this wannawatch natalie but yeah i need the tiniest on the ends of my hair onlyinsofar that if any further up just wave down my head so i use that when i'm notconditioned turning my head if i use these two tracks here if the blonde inmy hair is looking a little bit down on use this one here and it's five jews andtheir banks conditioning color treatment and i find that the blonde in my hairpearly baby she look to it which i really really like i don't like it tooshe just cataracts and yet i just use these when i get out of the showerbecause it's a three to five minute
treatment toning treatment and yeah justshampoo my hair to dry my hair when i get out and then apply these pretty muchthrough the end and at the front where i've got most of the blood in my handand yet as i think it just really broadened my blonde up and he is lookinga little bit proxy and orangey in that we bestow on here i don't use this oneoften because i don't find my hair get to see but yeah and i get off ebayfor ages now the natural look very nice blonde condition up and this one ispurple as you can see they all show you what the jews as well it's more of abeige color to it that difference in color between those two and one in theshower because if you use and put it on
for too long your hand will hold so i just put it onfor about a minute or two in the shower just on sort of not outright have itjust sort of a pain and it just gets rid of that writing this in my blog so ilove those two tony condition now on to the starting side of things alwaysbefore i go even with any product i apply these i just breathe through my head it's thebumble and bumble invisible oil it's a heat and uv protective so using hottools on my hair i'm hoping to protect their love the smell of creamy almostsent to it and then i go with him i
think put up the law yeah i switch between these two here in1900 w with the fact fuck em uk well you mightthink blowout loss fortunately just shake it up and then pop it in my handsort of like in just sort of like a poem i suppose it comes out and then i justtook my hand and run these from the route to the team of my hair and thenblow dry my hair and it really does believe my head home winning somethingto say methodical so not too much voting in thehand but you know i i cant not anything my hair so on thursday i use this onehere now believe this is now i think
they can in crane now do not leave myhead tiki she does it just feels like you'vegot nothing in your head but it does add value so you just get a few pumps crane i suppose and then once again justhope that all the way through my head blow dry and it does you can buy halfbut not to the point that this one does so special w and now my paper products once iblow-dried and stuck my hand to give my head volume and texture these two i lovehe and both five er 51 here i use a lot repurchasing this 15 drive takes drivingright i get a lot of questions asking
how to get your head to hold of coal ifyou've got fine or thinning hair like me now i my head but it will hold its waveand call for a few days after i use my last killing i so to get it to hold thatalways used this before i go and kill it so on my straight hair all streets theseall the way through danny hope my head that try text driving formula in thesereally helps to hold a co and then if i'm wanting to get a day 02 extra myselfthat i'll go in with my be 05 dryships refreshing quick one yeah i just use it underneath my handsso i'll just grab sanctions intermediate sprints through i always leave it to youdo it's thing for a little while and
then i'll go in with my fingertips andjust work it in and it really just dial 204 and also a little bit more texture andvolume into my hair as well this is a great little product here as well it'salso by br 58 they give me take instant power off i don't use this one thatoften only because i find that i have to wash my hair you know it just feelsreally mattered at the route going for a night out where i really need a lot ofvolume definitely use this if the powerful you speak up sanctions andsprinkle it onto the roots of your hair and it just gives you that much becausei don't like milk crunchy feeling in
your hair i have found this one thatdoesn't leave my head too crunchy extra strong hold that i loved ones bykerastase anything because things right and this is the extra strong hold one inthe purple can't give me that extra hole especially from doing up dude but yeahit doesn't make it look like you're wearing his break which is good i lovethe smell of this is well i really sweet sort of berries i forgot to mention thisbefore but they have used is just the original penalty that i got this onefrom priceline hearing but yeah i love these because it's not gentle on myhands i always like to brush through my head before i stopped blow drying itwhich i know you maybe not supposed to
rush through a hand but i find thatthese is gentle on my head of my favorite hair product guide as i said hebelieved anything out let me know in the comments section and i'll get back toyou later everything and just can't codes will bein the description but i think i had become a threat to be yours

sorry about that you haven't already inthe description far as well so definitely come say hi hope you're allhaving a wonderful day and i'll speak to you soon today it's all about products from mymakeup collection