are samsung laser printers any good? cannon gets the top spots with consumer reportswhen it comes to black and white laser printers. where was samsung on the list? samsung comes in seventh, though it is a recommendedby cr. i want to see the world and print it in livingcolor.
samsung clp 315 color laser printer, if you want a color laser, samsung’s clxmodel came in fifth. i guess you get what you pay for. it is around four hundred dollars, whereasa better rated dell is three hundred dollars. i guess you do not get what you pay for.
the best rated color laser printer by samsungwas not recommended by consumer reports. are their ink jet printers even worse? samsung did not make any highly rated inkjet printers. that category is dominated by hp and epson. i might as well ignore the ink jet categoryaltogether. the ink now costs as much per ounce or more than some fine perfumes. i heard that ink was now the profit centerfor printers and computer makers now, over the hardware. that’s another reason to get a laser printer.
it certainly is not because having somethingwith a laser in it sounds futuristic and high tech these days. samsung is still a high tech brand. they areone of the top sellers of smart tvs and smart phones. they just are not smart enough to get a hightech, affordable printer in the top five. consumer reports recommendations are justfine. you asked if they were any good. they certainlyare not bad, and they are nowhere near as bad as panasonic printers.

or the brother printer that made me scream"oh, brother" every time it jammed up, or
had gummed up ink jet heads, even after ichanged the print cartridges. another reason to get a reliable laser printer. which it sounds like samsung is.