hey, my name is chelsea bagozzi with suburbanheresy.comand we're here today talking about beauty and make up tips. right now we're going totalk a little bit about how to choose the right color of eye shadow for your eye color.a good rule of thumb is to remember your color wheel and to choose the complimentary colorof your eye color. so if you have blue eyes, the complimentary color of blue is orange.that doesn't necessarily mean you have to
what are the best eyeshadow colors for blue eyes, wear an orange eye shadow. but it does helpto wear warm colors that, and warm, a good way to remember warm colors are they, thewarm colors are colors that come from the sun. so you've got you know, your reds, oranges,yellows, all of those warm colors. but again, it doesn't mean you have to wear orange andyellow on your eyes to bring out your blue
eyes. you can wear golds, you can wear bronzes,you can wear warm browns, any color like that works. just make sure that you are choosingcolors that are warm. and those are just a rule of thumb, it doesn't mean you can't wearother colors. another way to bring out blue

eyes is to wear blue eyeshadow and you canwear, you know, a nice soft blue, it doesn't have to be 80's blue. you can choose, thereare so many different blues out there, you can choose a metallic blue or a silver blue.there's so many different color of blues that you can choose that can enhance the colorof your eyes.